फाइकोलॉजी (Phycology) के तहत विज्ञान की किस शाखा का अध्ययन किया जाता है?Which branch of science is studied under Phycology?

 ⏩Important General knowledge questions 🚦

प्रश्न- भारत में 28 फरवरी को विज्ञान दिसव किस उपलक्ष्य में मनाया जाता है?

उत्तर – सी.वी.रमन द्वारा रमन प्रभाव की खोज करने के दिन के उपलक्ष्य में .

प्रश्न- 7 नवम्बर, 1888 भारत के किस महान वैज्ञानिक का जन्मदिन है? 

उत्तर सी.वी.रमन का .

प्रश्न – आयोडीन युक्त नमक का प्रयोग किस बीमारी की रोकथाम के लिए किया  जाता है? 

उत्तर – गलगण्ड (Goitre) .

प्रश्न – विद्युत मोटर का क्या कार्य है?

उत्तर – विद्युत ऊर्जा का यांत्रिक ऊर्जा में रुपान्तरण करना।

प्रश्न- हरे पौधों में प्रकाश-संश्लेषण की इकाई क्या कहलाती है? 

उत्तर क्वाण्टासोम(Quantasome) .

प्रश्न – पृथ्वी का औसत घनत्व क्या है ?

उत्तर -5.5 ग्राम/घन सेंटीमीटर .

प्रश्न – सूर्य सदैव पूर्व में निकलता है, क्योंकि? 

उत्तर – पृथ्वी पश्चिम से पूर्व की ओर घूमती है। .

प्रश्न – पौधों में वाष्पोत्सर्जन दर के निर्धारण के लिए किस यंत्र का उपयोग किया जाता है? 

उत्तर-पोटोमीटर का .

प्रश्न- रेड लेड का रासायनिक सूत्र क्या है ? 

उत्तर -Pb304 .

प्रश्न- मानव शरीर में विटामिन K का निर्माण किस अंग में होता है? 

उत्तर कोलन में बैक्टीरिया द्वारा

प्रश्न- ‘DARK AVENGER’ क्या है?

उत्तर- एक प्रकार का प्रमुख कम्प्यूटर वायरस

 प्रश्न – फाइकोलॉजी (Phycology) के तहत विज्ञान की किस शाखा का अध्ययन किया जाता है?

उत्तर – शैवाल (Algae) का .

प्रश्न – किस विटामिन में कोबाल्ट (Cobalt) पाया जाता है? 

उत्तर विटामिन B12 में .

प्रश्न – ‘मेनिनजाइटिस’ (ताविका शोध) नामक रोग में शरीर का कौन सा अंग प्रभावित हो जाता है? 

उत्तर – मस्तिष्क .

प्रश्न- मानव शरीर में रक्त का थक्का नहीं बनने का प्रमुख कारण है? 

उत्तर हिपेरिन की उपस्थिति .

प्रश्न-चाय बनाने के लिए विद्युत द्वारा केतली में पानी किस विधि द्वारा गर्म होता है? 

उत्तर- कन्वेक्शन द्वारा .

प्रश्न – वृद्धों के चिकित्साशास्त्रीय अध्ययन (Medical Study) को क्या कहा जाता है? 

उत्तर – गैरियाट्रिक्स (Geriatrics) .

प्रश्न – हाइपोग्लाइसेमिया (Hypoglycemia) नामक रोग रक्त में किसकी कमी से होता है? 

उत्तर – ग्लूकोस .

प्रश्न- एच.टी.एल.वी.-।। नामक वायरस से कौन सा रोग फैलता है? 

उत्तर एड्स (Aids)

. प्रश्न – मानव शरीर में सबसे छोटी ग्रंथि है? 

उत्तर -पिट्यूटरी .

प्रश्न- एन्जाइम मूलत: क्या है? 

उत्तर-प्रोटीन .

प्रश्न-पित्त का निर्माण शरीर के किस भाग में होता है? 

उत्तर यकृत (Liver) में .

प्रश्न- कृष्ण छिद्र (Black hole)सिद्धान्त को प्रतिपादित किया था? 

उत्तर एस. चन्द्रशेखर ने .

प्रश्न – साइनोकोवालमिन क्या है? 

उत्तर – विटामिन B12

प्रश्न – टेट्रा डुथाइल लैड (TEL) पेट्रोल में क्यों मिलाया जाता है? 

उत्तर एन्टीनॉकिंग रेटिंग (अपस्फोटन की दर) को बढ़ाने के लिए .

प्रश्न- हीरे की चमक होती है? 

उत्तर – पूर्ण आन्तरिक परावर्तन के कारण ..

Important general knowledge questions   Question- On which occasion Science Day is celebrated in India on 28th February?  Answer – To commemorate the day of discovery of Raman Effect by CV Raman.   Question- 7th November, 1888 is the birthday of which great scientist of India?  Answer of C.V.Raman.   Question – Iodized salt is used for the prevention of which disease?  Answer – Goitre.   Question – What is the function of electric motor?  Answer – Conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy.   Question- What is the unit of photosynthesis in green plants called?  Answer: Quantasome.   Question – What is the average density of the Earth?  Answer -5.5 grams/cubic centimeter.   Question: The sun always rises in the east, because?  Answer – The earth rotates from west to east.  .   Question – Which instrument is used to determine the rate of transpiration in plants?  Answer: Potometer.   Question: What is the chemical formula of red lead?  Answer - Pb304.   Question- In which organ is Vitamin K produced in the human body?  by bacteria in the north colon   Question- What is 'DARK AVENGER'?  Answer- A type of major computer virus    Question – Which branch of science is studied under Phycology?  Answer – Algae.   Question – In which vitamin cobalt is found?  Answer in Vitamin B12.   Question – Which part of the body gets affected in a disease called 'meningitis'?  Answer: Brain.   Question- What is the main reason for not forming blood clot in human body?  Answer: Presence of heparin.   Question: By which method is the water in the kettle heated by electricity to make tea?  Answer – By Convection.   Question – What is the medical study of the elderly called?  Answer – Geriatrics.   Question – A disease called hypoglycemia is caused by the deficiency of which of the following in the blood?  Answer – Glucose.   Question- HTLV-I.  Which disease is spread by a virus called?  Answer AIDS   .  Question – What is the smallest gland in the human body?  Answer – Pituitary.   Question- What is an enzyme basically?  Answer: Protein.   In which part of the body is bile produced?  In the North Liver.   Question- The theory of black hole was propounded?  Answer S.  by Chandrashekhar.   Question – What is Cyanocovalamin?  Answer – Vitamin B12   Question – Why Tetra Duethyl Lead (TEL) is added to petrol?  Answer: To increase the antiknocking rating (rate of detonation) .   Question: Does diamond shine?  Answer – Due to total internal reflection..

Important general knowledge questions

 Question- On which occasion Science Day is celebrated in India on 28th February?

 Answer – To commemorate the day of discovery of Raman Effect by CV Raman.

 Question- 7th November, 1888 is the birthday of which great scientist of India?

 Answer of C.V.Raman.

 Question – Iodized salt is used for the prevention of which disease?

 Answer – Goitre.

 Question – What is the function of electric motor?

 Answer – Conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy.

 Question- What is the unit of photosynthesis in green plants called?

 Answer: Quantasome.

 Question – What is the average density of the Earth?

 Answer -5.5 grams/cubic centimeter.

 Question: The sun always rises in the east, because?

 Answer – The earth rotates from west to east.  .

 Question – Which instrument is used to determine the rate of transpiration in plants?

 Answer: Potometer.

 Question: What is the chemical formula of red lead?

 Answer - Pb304.

 Question- In which organ is Vitamin K produced in the human body?

 by bacteria in the north colon

 Question- What is 'DARK AVENGER'?

 Answer- A type of major computer virus

  Question – Which branch of science is studied under Phycology?

 Answer – Algae.

 Question – In which vitamin cobalt is found?

 Answer in Vitamin B12.

 Question – Which part of the body gets affected in a disease called 'meningitis'?

 Answer: Brain.

 Question- What is the main reason for not forming blood clot in human body?

 Answer: Presence of heparin.

 Question: By which method is the water in the kettle heated by electricity to make tea?

 Answer – By Convection.

 Question – What is the medical study of the elderly called?

 Answer – Geriatrics.

 Question – A disease called hypoglycemia is caused by the deficiency of which of the following in the blood?

 Answer – Glucose.

 Question- HTLV-I.  Which disease is spread by a virus called?

 Answer AIDS

 .  Question – What is the smallest gland in the human body?

 Answer – Pituitary.

 Question- What is an enzyme basically?

 Answer: Protein.

 In which part of the body is bile produced?

 In the North Liver.

 Question- The theory of black hole was propounded?

 Answer S.  by Chandrashekhar.

 Question – What is Cyanocovalamin?

 Answer – Vitamin B12

 Question – Why Tetra Duethyl Lead (TEL) is added to petrol?

 Answer: To increase the antiknocking rating (rate of detonation) .

 Question: Does diamond shine?

 Answer – Due to total internal reflection..

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