सामान्य ज्ञान (General Knowledge)

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 What is the scientific name of man? - Homo sapiens

• What is the scientific name of frog? - Rana Tigrina

• What is the scientific name of cat? - Felis Domestica

• What is the scientific name of rat? - Rattus

• What is the scientific name of lizard? - Lacertilia

• What is the scientific name of dog? - Canis Familiaries

• What is the scientific name of cow? - Boss Indicus

• What is the scientific name of buffalo? - Bubalus bubolis

• What is the scientific name of oxen? - Boss Primigijs Taurus

• What is the scientific name of goat? - Cepta Hitamus

• What is the scientific name of sheep? - Ovez Arise

• What is the scientific name of pig? - Suspresco domestica

• What is the scientific name of lion? - Panthera leo

• What is the scientific name of tiger? - Panthera tigris

• What is the scientific name of cheetah? - Panthera pardus

• What is the scientific name of the bear? - Ursus matitimus carnivora

• What is the scientific name of the rabbit? - Oricotolegus cubiculus

• What is the scientific name of the deer? - Servas Elafas

• What is the scientific name of camel? - Camellas Domedarias

• What is the scientific name of fox? - Canide

• What is the scientific name of Langur? - Hominodia

• What is the scientific name of reindeer? - Riservas DuVousseli

• What is the scientific name of the fly? - Masca Domestica

• What is the scientific name of peacock? - Pavo cristatus

• What is the scientific name of elephant? - Eiffel Indica

• What is the scientific name of dolphin? - Platinist gangtica

• What is the scientific name of the horse? - Equus Cabellus

• What is the scientific name of donkey? - Equus Asinus

• What is the scientific name of mango? - Magnifera indica

• What is the scientific name of Angur? - Vitious

• What is the scientific name of orange? - Citrus sinensis

• What is the scientific name of coconut? - Coco nucifera

• What is the scientific name of apple? - Melas pumia / domestica

• What is the scientific name of pineapple? - Annas Commos

• What is the scientific name of Papaya? - Carica Papaya

• What is the scientific name of pear? - Piosus cuminis

• What is the scientific name of banana? - Muse Paradisiaca

• What is the scientific name of litchi? - litchi chinensis

• What is the scientific name of tamarind? - Tamar Indus Indica

• What is the scientific name of cucumber? - Kusumis sativus

• What is the scientific name of plum? - Zizifs Mauritiana

• What is the scientific name of beetroot? - Beta Valgaris

• What is the scientific name of Jamun? - Shayjiam Kumini

• What is the scientific name of sugarcane? - Sugarence Eficinarum

• What is the scientific name of maize? - Gia table

• What is the scientific name of millet? - Penicillum america

• What is the scientific name of paddy? - Horizon sativate

• What is the scientific name of wheat? - Triticum Astivium

• What is the scientific name of cotton? - Gasify

• What is the scientific name of Sarason? - Brassica Compasters

• What is the scientific name of coffee? - Coffia Arabica

• What is the scientific name of tea? - Thea cyanenis

• What is the scientific name of Basil? - Oxytiun tensufflom

• What are the scientific names of Eloviras? - Elovira

• What is the scientific name of opium? - Papyr Somniferum

• What is the scientific name of cashew nuts? - Anacardium Aromatics

 • What is the scientific name of almonds? - Prunus Armenica

• What is the scientific name of the herb? - Arakis hijopia

• What is the scientific name of red pepper? - Capsium enum

• What is the scientific name of black pepper? - Piper nigrum

• What is the scientific name of saffron? - Crocus sativius

• What is the scientific name of Fennel? - phenikulam vulgare

• What is the scientific name of cumin? - Qumin Ciumium

• What is the scientific name of turmeric? - Curcuma llanga

• What is the scientific name of lime? - Citrus limbon

• What is the scientific name of gooseberry? - Philanthus Embica

• What is the scientific name of coriander? - Coreyndam sativum

• What is the scientific name of tomatoes? - Lycoparcacin esculentum

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