Jocund (Adjective): प्रफुल्ल: cheerful and lighthearted, in a happy mood Synonyms: merry, jolly, festive, cheerful, mirthful, jovial, jocose Antonyms: melancholy, sorrowful, sad, unhappy, glum, forlorn


         ❣️21-02-2023 | Day : Tuesday ❣️

🎯 ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɴᴅᴜ ᴠᴏᴄᴀʙᴜʟᴀʀʏ ғᴏʀ ʙᴀɴᴋɪɴɢ, ssᴄ, ᴜᴘsᴄ, ʀᴀɪʟᴡᴀʏ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀʟʟ ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴇᴛɪᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴇxᴀᴍs.

1. Disconcert (Verb): disturb the composure of; unsettled

Synonyms: confuse, fluster, rattle, unsettle, discomfit, disturb

Antonyms: relieve, soothe, comfort, calm

Example Sentence: John would disconcert his parents by not coming home after school.

2. Dilation (Noun): प्लाव: the action or condition of becoming or being made wider, larger, or more open

Synonyms: increase, expand, swell, enlarge, accelerate

Antonyms: contraction, decrease, diminishing, shrinkage, reduction, compression, shortening

Example Sentence: The doctor will repair the narrowed vessels by inserting a tube to dilate them.

3. Solitary (Adjective): अकेला: done or existing alone; single; only

Synonyms: lone, only, one, unique, single, singular, sole, alone

Antonyms: multifarious, myriad, miscellaneous, mixed, varied

Example Sentence: If the seat next to me on the airplane is solitary, I will take advantage of the extra space to spread out my legs.


4. Tamp down (Phrasal Verb): to reduce the amount, level, size, or importance of something

Synonyms: press

Example Sentence: The party retained power by boosting the economy and tamping down corruption.

5. Jocund (Adjective): प्रफुल्ल: cheerful and lighthearted, in a happy mood

Synonyms: merry, jolly, festive, cheerful, mirthful, jovial, jocose

Antonyms: melancholy, sorrowful, sad, unhappy, glum, forlorn

Example Sentence: As soon as I walked towards the front door of the luxury hotel, a jocund doorman greeted me with a smile.

❣️21-02-2023 | Day : Tuesday ❣️      🎯 ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɴᴅᴜ ᴠᴏᴄᴀʙᴜʟᴀʀʏ ғᴏʀ ʙᴀɴᴋɪɴɢ, ssᴄ, ᴜᴘsᴄ, ʀᴀɪʟᴡᴀʏ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀʟʟ ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴇᴛɪᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴇxᴀᴍs.    1. Disconcert (Verb): disturb the composure of; unsettled  Synonyms: confuse, fluster, rattle, unsettle, discomfit, disturb  Antonyms: relieve, soothe, comfort, calm  Example Sentence: John would disconcert his parents by not coming home after school.    2. Dilation (Noun): प्लाव: the action or condition of becoming or being made wider, larger, or more open  Synonyms: increase, expand, swell, enlarge, accelerate  Antonyms: contraction, decrease, diminishing, shrinkage, reduction, compression, shortening  Example Sentence: The doctor will repair the narrowed vessels by inserting a tube to dilate them.    3. Solitary (Adjective): अकेला: done or existing alone; single; only  Synonyms: lone, only, one, unique, single, singular, sole, alone  Antonyms: multifarious, myriad, miscellaneous, mixed, varied  Example Sentence: If the seat next to me on the airplane is solitary, I will take advantage of the extra space to spread out my legs.      4. Tamp down (Phrasal Verb): to reduce the amount, level, size, or importance of something  Synonyms: press  Example Sentence: The party retained power by boosting the economy and tamping down corruption.    5. Jocund (Adjective): प्रफुल्ल: cheerful and lighthearted, in a happy mood  Synonyms: merry, jolly, festive, cheerful, mirthful, jovial, jocose  Antonyms: melancholy, sorrowful, sad, unhappy, glum, forlorn  Example Sentence: As soon as I walked towards the front door of the luxury hotel, a jocund doorman greeted me with a smile.    6. Impediment (Noun): भादी: a hindrance or obstruction in doing something  Synonyms: obstacle, hurdle, obstruction, barrier, hinder, thwart  Antonyms: benefit, aid, assistance, encouragement, relief, support  Example Sentence: My broken wrist is the hindrance preventing me from finishing my new novel.    7. Tranche (Noun): अंश : a portion of something, especially money  Synonyms: segment, piece, chunk, section, lump, portion, fragment  Antonyms: whole  Example Sentence: At the end of the month, a tranche of the worker's settlement will be sent from one account to a savings account.    8. Folly (Noun): मूर्टोटा: lack of good sense; foolishness  Synonyms: insanity, idiocy, absurdity, stupidity, madness  Antonyms: wisdom, prudence, discretion, sagacity  Example Sentence: Too much cleverness is folly.    9. Catharsis (Noun): Virechana : the process of releasing strong emotions through a particular activity or experience, such as writing or theatre, in a way that helps you to understand those emotions  Synonyms: purification  Antonyms: suppression  Example Sentence: Crying is a great catharsis for releasing pain and anger.    10. Addled (Adjective): व्यकुल : unable to think clearly; confused  Synonyms: dazed, bewildered, confused  Antonyms: conscious, clearheaded  Example Sentence: Because my grandmother is in her mid-nineties, she is a bit added at times and requires the help of a personal caregiver.

6. Impediment (Noun): भादी: a hindrance or obstruction in doing something

Synonyms: obstacle, hurdle, obstruction, barrier, hinder, thwart

Antonyms: benefit, aid, assistance, encouragement, relief, support

Example Sentence: My broken wrist is the hindrance preventing me from finishing my new novel.

7. Tranche (Noun): अंश : a portion of something, especially money

Synonyms: segment, piece, chunk, section, lump, portion, fragment

Antonyms: whole

Example Sentence: At the end of the month, a tranche of the worker's settlement will be sent from one account to a savings account.

8. Folly (Noun): मूर्टोटा: lack of good sense; foolishness

Synonyms: insanity, idiocy, absurdity, stupidity, madness

Antonyms: wisdom, prudence, discretion, sagacity

Example Sentence: Too much cleverness is folly.

9. Catharsis (Noun): Virechana : the process of releasing strong emotions through a particular activity or experience, such as writing or theatre, in a way that helps you to understand those emotions

Synonyms: purification

Antonyms: suppression

Example Sentence: Crying is a great catharsis for releasing pain and anger.

10. Addled (Adjective): व्यकुल : unable to think clearly; confused

Synonyms: dazed, bewildered, confused

Antonyms: conscious, clearheaded

Example Sentence: Because my grandmother is in her mid-nineties, she is a bit added at times and requires the help of a personal caregiver.

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