◆ दिलवाड़ा के जैन मन्दिरों का निर्माण किसने करवाया था?-Who built the Jain temples of Dilwara?

 भारतीय इतिहास से सम्बन्धित टॉप महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्नोत्तर 

: 03 #IndHistory

 बौद्ध धर्म व जैन धर्म । प्राचीन भारत

◆ गौतम बुद्ध का जन्म कब हुआ था? -563 ई.पू.

◆ गौतम बुद्ध का जन्म-स्थल था -लुम्बिनी 

◆ वह आद्यतम बौद्ध साहित्य जो बुद्ध के विभिन्न जन्मों की कथाओं के विषय में है, क्या हैं? -जातक 

◆ 'त्रिपिटक' धर्म ग्रन्थ है -बौद्धों का 

◆ बुद्ध ने किस स्थान पर महापरिनिर्वाण (मृत्यु) प्राप्त किया था? -कुशीनगर में 

◆ भारत में सबसे प्राचीन विहार है -नालंदा 

◆ बुद्ध की मृत्यु के बाद प्रथम बौद्ध संगीति की अध्यक्षता किसने की? -महाकास्सप 

◆ नागार्जुन कौन थे? -बौद्ध दार्शनिक 

◆ किस नगर में प्रथम बौद्ध संगीति/सभा आयोजित की गई थी? -राजगह 

◆ आष्टांगिक मार्ग की संकल्पना, अंग है- धर्मचक्रप्रवर्तन सुत्त के विषयवस्तु का  

◆ 'मिलिंदपण्हो' राजा मिलिंद और किस बौद्ध भिक्षु के मध्य संवाद के रूप में है? -नागसेन 

◆ महायान बौद्ध धर्म में बोधिसत्व अवलोकितेश्वर को और किस अन्य नाम से जानते हैं? -पद्यपाणि 

◆ बौद्ध धर्म तथा जैन धर्म दोनों ही विश्वास करते हैं कि -कर्म तथा पुनर्जन्म के सिद्धान्त सही हैं।

◆ कनिष्क के शासनकाल में चतुर्थ बौद्ध संगीति/सभा किस नगर में आयोजित का गई थी? -कुण्डलवन, कश्मीर 

◆ तृतीय बौद्ध संगीति कहाँ आयोजित हुई? -पाटलिपुत्र में 

◆ गौतमबुद्ध का गुरु कौन था? -आलार कलाम 

◆ बुद्ध में वैराग्य भावना किन 4 दृश्यों के कारण बलवती हुई? । -बूढ़ा, रोगी, लाश, संन्यासी 

◆ बुद्ध ने सर्वाधिक उपदेश कहाँ दिए? -श्रावस्ती

 ◆ बौद्ध शिक्षा का केन्द्र था -विक्रमशिला 

◆ भारत में सबसे बड़ा बौद्ध स्तूप कहाँ स्थित है? -सांची 

◆ किस शासक ने बौद्धों के लिए विख्यात विक्रमशिला विश्वविद्यालय की स्थापना की थी? -धर्मपाल 

◆ किसके द्वारा तृतीय बौद्ध संगीति को संरक्षण प्रदान किया गया था? -अशोक 

◆ बौद्ध ग्रंथ 'पिटकों' की रचना किस भाषा में की गई थी? -पालि 

◆ कश्मीर में कनिष्क के शासनकाल में जो बौद्ध संगीति आयोजित हुई थीं उसकी अध्यक्षता किसने की थी? -वसुमित्र 

◆ मठ, मन्दिर और स्तूप किस धर्म से सम्बन्धित है? -बौद्ध धर्म 

◆ बौद्ध धर्म एवं जैन धर्म दोनों के उपदेश किसके शासनकाल में दिए गए थे? -बिम्बिसार 

◆ गौतम बुद्ध ने अपना प्रथम उपदेश कहाँ दिया था? -सारनाथ 

◆ बौद्ध धर्म ग्रहण करने वाली पहली महिला कौन थी? -महाप्रजापति गौतमी 

◆ बोधगया स्थित है -बिहार में 

◆ 'जातक' किसका ग्रन्थ है? -बौद्ध 

◆ सिद्धार्थ (बुद्ध) को ज्ञान प्राप्ति कहाँ हुई थी? -बोधगया में 

◆ सारनाथ में बुद्ध का प्रथम प्रवचन कहलाता है -धर्मचक्रप्रवर्तन 

◆ बौद्ध धर्म ने समाज के किन वर्गों पर महत्वपूर्ण प्रभाव डाला?-महिला और शुद्र 

◆ बुद्ध के गृह त्याग का प्रतीक है -घोड़ा 

◆ गौतम बुद्ध द्वारा भिक्षुणी संघ की स्थापना कहाँ की गयी थी? -कपिलवस्त में 

◆ सर्वप्रथम शून्यवाद (शून्यता का सिद्धान्त) का प्रतिपादन करने वाले बौद्ध दार्शनिक का नाम है -नागार्जुन 

◆ किस शासक के शासनकाल में नेपाल में बौद्ध धर्म का गमन हुआ था? अशोक

◆ सांची क्यों विख्यात है? -सबसे बड़ा बौद्ध स्तूप 

◆ किस भाषा का ज्यादा प्रयोग बौद्धवाद के प्रचार के लिए किया गया है? -पालि 

◆ किसे 'एशिया की रोशनी' (The Light of Asia) कहा जाता है? -गौतम बुद्ध को 

◆ महावीर स्वामी का जन्म कहाँ हुआ था? महावीर का जन्म किस क्षत्रिय गोत्र में हुआ था? -जांत्रिक 

◆ महावीर की माता कौन थी? -त्रिशला  

◆ महावीर का मूल नाम था -वर्धमान 

◆ महावीर की मृत्यु कहाँ हुई थी? -पावापुरी 

◆ जैनियों के पहले तीर्थंकर कौन थे? -ऋषभदेव 

◆ जैन परम्परा के अनुसार जैन धर्म में कुल कितने तीर्थंकर हुए? -24 जैन 

◆ परम्परा के अनुसार महावीर कौन-से तीर्थंकर थे? -चौबीसवें 

◆ जैन दर्शन के अनुसार सृष्टि की रचना एवं पालन-पोषण -सार्वभौमिक सत्य से हुआ है 

◆ जैन समुदाय में प्रथम विभाजन के श्वेताम्बर सम्प्रदाय के संस्थापक थे-स्थूलभद्र 

◆ जैन तीर्थंकर पार्श्वनाथ द्वारा प्रतिपादित चार महाव्रतों में महावीर स्वामी ने पाँचवें महाव्रत के रूप में क्या जोड़ा? -ब्रह्मचर्य 

◆ भगवान महावीर का प्रथम शिष्य कौन था? -जमालि 

◆ त्रिरत्न सिद्धान्त-सम्यक् धारणा, सम्यक् चरित्र, सम्यक् ज्ञान ' जिस धर्म की महिमा है, वह है' -जैन धर्म 

◆ दिलवाड़ा के जैन मन्दिरों का निर्माण किसने करवाया था? -चौलुक्यों/सोलंकियों ने

Top Important Questions and Answers related to Indian History : 03 #IndHistory  Buddhism and Jainism. Ancient India  When was Gautam Buddha born? -563 BC  The birth place of Gautam Buddha was - Lumbini  What is the earliest Buddhist literature that deals with the stories of Buddha's various births? the native  'Tripitaka' is the religious text - of the Buddhists  Where did Buddha attain Mahaparinirvana (death)? - in kushinagar  The oldest vihara in India is - Nalanda  Who presided over the first Buddhist council after the death of Buddha? -Mahakasap  Who was Nagarjuna? -Buddhist philosopher  In which city was the first Buddhist council held? - place  The concept of the Eightfold Path is part of the content of the Dharmachakrapravartana Sutta.  'Milindapanho' is in the form of a dialogue between King Milind and which Buddhist monk? -Nagsen  By what other names is the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara known in Mahayana Buddhism? - verse  Both Buddhism and Jainism believe that the principles of karma and reincarnation are correct.  In which city was the fourth Buddhist council held during the reign of Kanishka? -Kundalvan, Kashmir  Where was the Third Buddhist Council held? - in Pataliputra  Who was the Guru of Gautam Buddha? -Alar Kalam  Due to which 4 scenes the spirit of dispassion in Buddha was strengthened? , -old, sick, corpse, monk  Where did Buddha give most sermons? - Shravasti  The center of Buddhist education was - Vikramshila  Where is the largest Buddhist Stupa located in India? -sanchi  Which ruler established the famous Vikramshila University for Buddhists? -Dharampal  Who patronized the Third Buddhist Council? -Ashok  In which language was the Buddhist text 'Pitakas' composed? -lobe  Who presided over the Buddhist council held in Kashmir during the reign of Kanishka? Vasumitra  Maths, temples and stupas are related to which religion? -Buddhism  In whose reign were the teachings of both Buddhism and Jainism given? -bimbisara  Where did Gautam Buddha give his first sermon? Sarnath  Who was the first woman to embrace Buddhism? -Mahaprajapati Gautami  Bodhgaya is located - in Bihar  Whose book is 'Jataka'? -Buddhist  Where did Siddhartha (Buddha) attain enlightenment? - in Bodhgaya  Buddha's first discourse in Sarnath is called - Dharmachakrapravartan  On which sections of society did Buddhism make a significant impact? - Women and Shudras  The symbol of renunciation of the house of Buddha - horse  Where was the Bhikkhuni Sangha founded by Gautam Buddha? -in Kapilvastava  The name of the Buddhist philosopher who first propounded nihilavada (theory of emptiness) is - Nagarjuna  During the reign of which ruler did Buddhism reach Nepal? Ashok  Why is Sanchi famous? Largest Buddhist Stupa  Which language has been used more for the propagation of Buddhism? -lobe  Who is called 'The Light of Asia'? - to Gautam Buddha  Where was Mahavir Swami born? In which Kshatriya gotra was Mahavira born? -jatrik  Who was the mother of Mahavira? -trishala  The original name of Mahavira was - Vardhaman  Where did Mahavira die? -Pavapuri  Who was the first Tirthankara of Jains? Rishabhdev  According to Jain tradition, how many Tirthankaras were there in Jainism? -24 Jain  According to tradition, which Tirthankara was Mahavira? -twentieth  According to Jain philosophy, the creation and upbringing of the universe is done by universal truth.  The founder of the Shvetambara sect of the first division in the Jain community was – Sthulabhadra  What did Mahavir Swami add as the fifth Mahavrata to the four Mahavratas propounded by the Jain Tirthankara Parshvanath? -celibacy  Who was the first disciple of Lord Mahavir? -jamali  Triratna Siddhanta - Right Conception, Right Character, Right Knowledge 'The religion which is glorified is that' - Jainism  Who built the Jain temples of Dilwara? Chalukyas/Solankis

Top Important Questions and Answers related to Indian History 

: 03 #IndHistory

Buddhism and Jainism. Ancient India

When was Gautam Buddha born? -563 BC

The birth place of Gautam Buddha was - Lumbini

What is the earliest Buddhist literature that deals with the stories of Buddha's various births? the native

'Tripitaka' is the religious text - of the Buddhists

Where did Buddha attain Mahaparinirvana (death)? - in kushinagar

The oldest vihara in India is - Nalanda

Who presided over the first Buddhist council after the death of Buddha? -Mahakasap

Who was Nagarjuna? -Buddhist philosopher

In which city was the first Buddhist council held? - place

The concept of the Eightfold Path is part of the content of the Dharmachakrapravartana Sutta.

'Milindapanho' is in the form of a dialogue between King Milind and which Buddhist monk? -Nagsen

By what other names is the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara known in Mahayana Buddhism? - verse

Both Buddhism and Jainism believe that the principles of karma and reincarnation are correct.

In which city was the fourth Buddhist council held during the reign of Kanishka? -Kundalvan, Kashmir

Where was the Third Buddhist Council held? - in Pataliputra

Who was the Guru of Gautam Buddha? -Alar Kalam

Due to which 4 scenes the spirit of dispassion in Buddha was strengthened? , -old, sick, corpse, monk

Where did Buddha give most sermons? - Shravasti

The center of Buddhist education was - Vikramshila

Where is the largest Buddhist Stupa located in India? -sanchi

Which ruler established the famous Vikramshila University for Buddhists? -Dharampal

Who patronized the Third Buddhist Council? -Ashok

In which language was the Buddhist text 'Pitakas' composed? -lobe

Who presided over the Buddhist council held in Kashmir during the reign of Kanishka? Vasumitra

Maths, temples and stupas are related to which religion? -Buddhism

In whose reign were the teachings of both Buddhism and Jainism given? -bimbisara

Where did Gautam Buddha give his first sermon? Sarnath

Who was the first woman to embrace Buddhism? -Mahaprajapati Gautami

Bodhgaya is located - in Bihar

Whose book is 'Jataka'? -Buddhist

Where did Siddhartha (Buddha) attain enlightenment? - in Bodhgaya

Buddha's first discourse in Sarnath is called - Dharmachakrapravartan

On which sections of society did Buddhism make a significant impact? - Women and Shudras

The symbol of renunciation of the house of Buddha - horse

Where was the Bhikkhuni Sangha founded by Gautam Buddha? -in Kapilvastava

The name of the Buddhist philosopher who first propounded nihilavada (theory of emptiness) is - Nagarjuna

During the reign of which ruler did Buddhism reach Nepal? Ashok

Why is Sanchi famous? Largest Buddhist Stupa

Which language has been used more for the propagation of Buddhism? -lobe

Who is called 'The Light of Asia'? - to Gautam Buddha

Where was Mahavir Swami born? In which Kshatriya gotra was Mahavira born? -jatrik

Who was the mother of Mahavira? -trishala

The original name of Mahavira was - Vardhaman

Where did Mahavira die? -Pavapuri

Who was the first Tirthankara of Jains? Rishabhdev

According to Jain tradition, how many Tirthankaras were there in Jainism? -24 Jain

According to tradition, which Tirthankara was Mahavira? -twentieth

According to Jain philosophy, the creation and upbringing of the universe is done by universal truth.

The founder of the Shvetambara sect of the first division in the Jain community was – Sthulabhadra

What did Mahavir Swami add as the fifth Mahavrata to the four Mahavratas propounded by the Jain Tirthankara Parshvanath? -celibacy

Who was the first disciple of Lord Mahavir? -jamali

Triratna Siddhanta - Right Conception, Right Character, Right Knowledge 'The religion which is glorified is that' - Jainism

Who built the Jain temples of Dilwara? Chalukyas/Solankis

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