🎯The Hindu Vocabulary 07-10-2021
1. COMPREHENSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (व्यापक): Inclusive
Synonyms: All-inclusive complete
Antonyms: Partial
Example Sentence:
Her collection of photographs was anything but comprehensive.
2. COHERENT (ADJECTIVE): (तार्किक): Logical
Synonyms: Reasoned, Reasonable
Antonyms: Incoherent
Example Sentence:
They failed to develop a coherent economic strategy.
3. INTERMITTENT (ADJECTIVE): (रुक-रुक कर): Sporadic
Synonyms: Irregular, Fitful
Antonyms: Continuous
Example Sentence:
Shortly afterwards he fell ill of an intermittent fever, but seemed to recover.
4. FEAT (NOUN): (उपलब्धि): Achievement
Synonyms: Accomplishment, Attainment
Antonyms: Failure
Example Sentence:
The new printing presses were considerable feats of engineering.
5. CHRONIC (ADJECTIVE): (बहुकालीन): Constant
Synonyms: Continuing, Continual
Antonyms: Temporary
Example Sentence:
The schools seldom suffer from chronic overcrowding.
6. NORM (NOUN): (मानक): Standard
Synonyms: Usual, Normal
Antonyms: The exception
Example Sentence:
She scored well above the norm in math.
7. EXPOSED (ADJECTIVE): (भेद्य): Vulnerable
Synonyms: Defenseless, Undefended
Antonyms: Defensible
Example Sentence:
The army's exposed right flank was under attack.
8. COGNIZANT (ADJECTIVE): (जानकार): Aware
Synonyms: Conscious, Apprised
Antonyms: Ignorant
Example Sentence:
She must be cognizant of the political boundaries within which she works.
9. NOVEL (ADJECTIVE): (नया): New
Synonyms: Original, Unusual
Antonyms: Old
Example Sentence:
The disease was novel as it was unheard until it hit the nation.
10. ELITE (NOUN): (कुलीन): Best
Synonyms: Pick, Cream
Antonyms: Dregs
Example Sentence:
The elite of armed forces were invited.