भारत के प्रमुख ऐतिहसिक युद्ध--Major historical wars of India

 ✅ भारत के प्रमुख ऐतिहसिक युद्ध

【01】 हाईडेस्पीज का युद्ध (Battle of the Hydaspes) समय : 326 ई.पू.

किसके बीच – सिकंदर और पंजाब के राजा पोरस के बीच हुआ, जिसमे सिकंदर की विजय हुई।

 【02】 कलिंग की लड़ाई (Kalinga War) समय : 261 ई.पू.

किसके बीच – सम्राट अशोक ने कलिंग पर आक्रमण किया। युद्ध के रक्तपात को देखकर उसने युद्ध न करने की कसम खाई।

【03】 सिंध की लड़ाई (समय : 712 ई.)

किसके बीच – मोहम्मद कासिम ने अरबों की सत्ता स्थापित की।

【04】 तराईन का प्रथम युद्ध (Battles of Tarain) समय : 1191 ई.

किसके बीच – मोहम्मद गौरी और पृथ्वी राज चौहान के बीच हुआ, जिसमे चौहान की विजय हुई।

【05】 तराईन का द्वितीय युद्ध (2nd Battles of Tarain) समय : 1192 ई.

किसके बीच – मोहम्मद गौरी और पृथ्वी राज चौहान के बीच हुआ, जिसमे मोहम्मद गौरी की विजय हुई।

【06】 चंदावर का युद्ध (Battle of Chandawar) समय : 1194 ई.

किसके बीच – इसमें मुहम्मद गौरी ने कन्नौज के राजा जयचंद को हराया।

【07】 पानीपत का प्रथम युद्ध (First Battle of Panipat ) समय : 1526 ई.

किसके बीच – मुग़ल शासक बाबर और इब्राहीम लोधी के बीच।

【08】 खानवा का युद्ध (Battle of Khanwa) समय : 1527 ई.

किसके बीच – बाबर ने राणा सांगा को पराजित किया।

【09】 घाघरा का युद्ध (Battle of Ghagra) समय : 1529 ई.

किसके बीच – बाबर ने महमूद लोदी के नेतृत्व में अफगानों को हराया।

 【10】चौसा का युद्ध (Battle of Chausal) समय : 1539 ई.

किसके बीच – शेरशाह सूरी ने हुमायु को हराया।

【11】कन्नौज /बिलग्राम का युद्ध (Battle of Kanauj or Billgram) समय : 1540 ई.

किसके बीच – एकबार फिर से शेरशाह सूरी ने हुमायूँ को हराया व भारत छोड़ने पर मजबूर किया।

【12】 पानीपत का द्वितीय युद्ध (Second Battle of Panipat) समय : 1556 ई.

किसके बीच – अकबर और हेमू के बीच।

【13】 तालीकोटा का युद्ध (Battle of Tallikota) समय : 1565 ई.

किसके बीच – इस युद्ध से विजयनगर साम्राज्य का अंत हो गय।

【14】 हल्दी घाटी का युद्ध (Battle of Haldighati) समय : 1576 ई.

किसके बीच – अकबर और राना प्रताप के बीच, इसमें राणा प्रताप की हार हुई।

【15】 प्लासी का युद्ध (Battle of Plassey) समय : 1757 ई.

किसके बीच – अंग्रेजो और सिराजुद्दौला के बीच, जिसमे अंग्रेजो की विजय हुई और भारत में अंग्रेजी शासन की नीव पड़ी।

【16】 वांडीवाश का युद्ध (Battle of Wandiwash) समय : 1760 ई.

किसके बीच – अंग्रेजो और फ्रांसीसियो के बीच, जिसमे फ्रांसीसियो की हार हुई।


【17】पानीपत का तृतीय युद्ध (Third Battle of Panipat) समय : 1761 ई.

किसके बीच – अहमदशाह अब्दाली और मराठो के बीच, जिसमे फ्रांसीसियों की हार हुई।

【18】 बक्सर का युद्ध (Battle of Buxar) समय : 1764 ई.

किसके बीच – अंग्रेजो और शुजाउद्दौला, मीर कासिम एवं शाह आलम द्वितीय की संयुक्त सेना के बीच, जिसमे अंग्रेजो की विजय हुई।

【19】 प्रथम मैसूर युद्ध (समय : 1767-69 ई.)

किसके बीच – हैदर अली और अंग्रेजो के बीच, जिसमे अंग्रेजो की हार हुई।

【20】 द्वितीय मैसूर युद्ध (समय : 1780-84 ई.)

किसके बीच – हैदर अली और अंग्रेजो के बीच, जो अनिर्णित छूटा।

【21】 तृतीय आंग्ल मैसूर युद्ध (समय : 1790 ई.)

किसके बीच – टीपू सुल्तान और अंग्रेजो के बीच लड़ाई संधि के द्वारा समाप्त हुई।

【22】 चतुर्थ आंग्ल मैसूर युद्ध (समय : 1799 ई.)

किसके बीच – टीपू सुल्तान और अंग्रेजो के बीच, टीपू की हार हुई और मैसूर शक्ति का पतन हुआ।

【23】 चिलियान वाला युद्ध (समय : 1849 ई.)

किसके बीच – ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी और सिखों के बीच हुआ था जिसमे सिखों की हार हुई।

【24】 भारत चीन सीमा युद्ध (समय : 1962 ई.)

किसके बीच – चीनी सेना द्वारा भारत के सीमा क्षेत्रो पर आक्रमण। कुछ दिन तक युद्ध होने के बाद एकपक्षीय युद्ध विराम की घोषणा। भारत को अपनी सीमा के कुछ हिस्सों को छोड़ना पड़ा।

【25】 भारत पाक युद्ध (Indo-Pakistani War) समय : 1965 ई.

किसके बीच – भारत और पाकिस्तान के बीच युद्ध जिसमे पाकिस्तान की हार हुई। भारत पाकिस्तान के बीच शिमला समझौता हुआ।

【26】 भारत पाक युद्ध (Indo-Pakistani War) समय : 1971 ई.

किसके बीच – भारत और पाकिस्तान के बीच युद्ध जिसमे पाकिस्तान की हार हुई। फलस्वरूप बांग्लादेश एक स्वतन्त्र देश बना।

【27】 कारगिल युद्ध (Kargil War) समय : 1999 ई.

किसके बीच -  जम्मू एवं कश्मीर के द्रास और कारगिल क्षेत्रो में पाकिस्तानी घुसपैठियों को लेकर हुए युद्ध में पुनः पाकिस्तान को हार का सामना करना पड़ा और भारतीयों को जीत मिली।

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Major historical wars of India    01】 Battle of the Hydaspes Time : 326 BC   Between whom – between Sikandar and King Porus of Punjab, in which Alexander won.    02】 Battle of Kalinga Time : 261 BC   Between whom – Emperor Ashoka attacked Kalinga.  Seeing the bloodshed of the war, he vowed not to fight.    03】 Battle of Sindh (Time: 712 AD)   Between whom – Muhammad Qasim established the authority of the Arabs.    04】 First Battle of Tarain Time: 1191 AD.   Between whom – between Mohammad Ghori and Prithvi Raj Chauhan, in which Chauhan won.    05】 Second Battle of Tarain (2nd Battles of Tarain) Time: 1192 AD.   Between whom – between Mohammad Ghori and Prithvi Raj Chauhan, in which Mohammad Ghori won.    06】 Battle of Chandawar Time: 1194 AD.   Between whom – Muhammad Ghori defeated King Jaichand of Kannauj in this.    07】 First Battle of Panipat Time: 1526 AD.   Between whom – between the Mughal ruler Babur and Ibrahim Lodhi.    08】 Battle of Khanwa Time: 1527 AD.   Between whom – Babur defeated Rana Sanga.    09】 Battle of Ghagra Time: 1529 AD.   Between whom – Babur defeated the Afghans under the leadership of Mahmud Lodi.    10】Battle of Chausal Time: 1539 AD.   Between whom – Sher Shah Suri defeated Humayun.    11Battle of Kanauj or Billgram Time: 1540 AD.   Between whom – Sher Shah Suri once again defeated Humayun and forced him to leave India.    12】 Second Battle of Panipat Time: 1556 AD.   Between whom – between Akbar and Hemu.    13】 Battle of Talikota Time: 1565 AD.   Between whom – This war ended the Vijayanagara Empire.    14】 Battle of Haldighati Time: 1576 AD.   Between whom – Between Akbar and Rana Pratap, Rana Pratap was defeated in this.    15】 Battle of Plassey Time: 1757 AD.   Between whom – Between the British and Siraj-ud-daula, in which the British won and the foundation of British rule in India was laid.    16】 Battle of Wandiwash Time: 1760 AD.   Between whom – Between the British and the French, in which the French were defeated.     17】Third Battle of Panipat Time: 1761 AD.   Between whom – between Ahmad Shah Abdali and the Marathas, in which the French were defeated.    18】 Battle of Buxar Time: 1764 AD.   Between whom – Between the British and the combined army of Shuja-ud-daula, Mir Qasim and Shah Alam II, in which the British won.    19】 First Mysore War (Time: 1767-69 AD)   Between whom – Between Haider Ali and the British, in which the British were defeated.    20】 Second Mysore War (Time: 1780-84 AD)   Between whom – between Hyder Ali and the British, which left undecided.    21】 Third Anglo-Mysore War (Time: 1790 AD)   Between whom – The fight between Tipu Sultan and the British ended by treaty.    22】 Fourth Anglo-Mysore War (Time: 1799 AD)   Between whom – Between Tipu Sultan and the British, Tipu was defeated and the Mysore power collapsed.    23】 War of Chiliyan (Time: 1849 AD)   Between whom – It happened between the East India Company and the Sikhs, in which the Sikhs were defeated.    24】 Indo-China border war (Time: 1962 AD)   Between whom – Invasion of the border areas of India by the Chinese army.  Declaration of unilateral ceasefire after a few days of war.  India had to give up some parts of its border.    25】 Indo-Pakistani War Time: 1965 AD.   Between whom – The war between India and Pakistan in which Pakistan was defeated.  Shimla Agreement was signed between India and Pakistan.    26】 Indo-Pakistani War Time: 1971 AD.   Between whom – The war between India and Pakistan in which Pakistan was defeated.  As a result Bangladesh became an independent country.    27】 Kargil War Time: 1999 AD.   Between whom - Pakistan again had to face defeat in the war against Pakistani infiltrators in the Drass and Kargil areas of Jammu and Kashmir and the Indians got victory.    J click on the bell

Major historical wars of India

 01】 Battle of the Hydaspes Time : 326 BC

 Between whom – between Sikandar and King Porus of Punjab, in which Alexander won.

 02】 Battle of Kalinga Time : 261 BC

 Between whom – Emperor Ashoka attacked Kalinga.  Seeing the bloodshed of the war, he vowed not to fight.

 03】 Battle of Sindh (Time: 712 AD)

 Between whom – Muhammad Qasim established the authority of the Arabs.

 04】 First Battle of Tarain Time: 1191 AD.

 Between whom – between Mohammad Ghori and Prithvi Raj Chauhan, in which Chauhan won.

 05】 Second Battle of Tarain (2nd Battles of Tarain) Time: 1192 AD.

 Between whom – between Mohammad Ghori and Prithvi Raj Chauhan, in which Mohammad Ghori won.

 06】 Battle of Chandawar Time: 1194 AD.

 Between whom – Muhammad Ghori defeated King Jaichand of Kannauj in this.

 07】 First Battle of Panipat Time: 1526 AD.

 Between whom – between the Mughal ruler Babur and Ibrahim Lodhi.

 08】 Battle of Khanwa Time: 1527 AD.

 Between whom – Babur defeated Rana Sanga.

 09】 Battle of Ghagra Time: 1529 AD.

 Between whom – Babur defeated the Afghans under the leadership of Mahmud Lodi.

 10】Battle of Chausal Time: 1539 AD.

 Between whom – Sher Shah Suri defeated Humayun.

 11Battle of Kanauj or Billgram Time: 1540 AD.

 Between whom – Sher Shah Suri once again defeated Humayun and forced him to leave India.

 12】 Second Battle of Panipat Time: 1556 AD.

 Between whom – between Akbar and Hemu.

 13】 Battle of Talikota Time: 1565 AD.

 Between whom – This war ended the Vijayanagara Empire.

 14】 Battle of Haldighati Time: 1576 AD.

 Between whom – Between Akbar and Rana Pratap, Rana Pratap was defeated in this.

 15】 Battle of Plassey Time: 1757 AD.

 Between whom – Between the British and Siraj-ud-daula, in which the British won and the foundation of British rule in India was laid.

 16】 Battle of Wandiwash Time: 1760 AD.

 Between whom – Between the British and the French, in which the French were defeated.

 17】Third Battle of Panipat Time: 1761 AD.

 Between whom – between Ahmad Shah Abdali and the Marathas, in which the French were defeated.

 18】 Battle of Buxar Time: 1764 AD.

 Between whom – Between the British and the combined army of Shuja-ud-daula, Mir Qasim and Shah Alam II, in which the British won.

 19】 First Mysore War (Time: 1767-69 AD)

 Between whom – Between Haider Ali and the British, in which the British were defeated.

 20】 Second Mysore War (Time: 1780-84 AD)

 Between whom – between Hyder Ali and the British, which left undecided.

 21】 Third Anglo-Mysore War (Time: 1790 AD)

 Between whom – The fight between Tipu Sultan and the British ended by treaty.

 22】 Fourth Anglo-Mysore War (Time: 1799 AD)

 Between whom – Between Tipu Sultan and the British, Tipu was defeated and the Mysore power collapsed.

 23】 War of Chiliyan (Time: 1849 AD)

 Between whom – It happened between the East India Company and the Sikhs, in which the Sikhs were defeated.

 24】 Indo-China border war (Time: 1962 AD)

 Between whom – Invasion of the border areas of India by the Chinese army.  Declaration of unilateral ceasefire after a few days of war.  India had to give up some parts of its border.

 25】 Indo-Pakistani War Time: 1965 AD.

 Between whom – The war between India and Pakistan in which Pakistan was defeated.  Shimla Agreement was signed between India and Pakistan.

 26】 Indo-Pakistani War Time: 1971 AD.

 Between whom – The war between India and Pakistan in which Pakistan was defeated.  As a result Bangladesh became an independent country.

 27】 Kargil War Time: 1999 AD.

 Between whom - Pakistan again had to face defeat in the war against Pakistani infiltrators in the Drass and Kargil areas of Jammu and Kashmir and the Indians got victory.

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