हेनसांग एक चीनी यात्री था जो भारत में किसके काल में आया ?

 ⭕️✅इतिहास एवं संस्कृति से 101 महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न✅⭕️


⭕️Q21. नन्द लोग कहाँ राज्य करते थे ?

✅उतार = मगध

⭕️Q22 चंदगुप्त मौर्य ने देश को किसके कुशासन से बचाया था?

✅उत्तर = चन्द्रगुप्त मौर्य ने देश को नंदों के कुशासन से बचाया था।

⭕️Q23. पाटलिपुत्र किसकी राजधानी थी ?

✅उत्तर= मौर्य राजाओं की

⭕️Q24. कलिंग के युद्ध ने अशोक में क्या परिवर्तन किया ?

✅उत्तर = उसने भविष्य में कोई लड़ाई न लड़ने का निर्णय किया

⭕️Q25. हम्पी किसकी राजधानी थी ?

✅उत्तर = विजयनगर साम्राज्य की

⭕️Q26. भारतीय इतिहास किस वंश को स्वर्ण युग कहां जाता हैं ?

✅उत्तर = गुप्त वंश को

⭕️Q27. हेनसांग एक चीनी यात्री था जो भारत में किसके काल में आया ?

✅उत्तर = हर्षवर्धन

⭕️Q28. भारतीय नेपोलियन किस राजा को कहा जाता हैं ?

✅उत्तर = समुद्रगुप्त को

⭕️Q29. नालंदा विश्वविद्यालय किस राज्य में था ?

✅उत्तर = बिहार में

⭕️Q29. चरक क्या था ?

✅उत्तर = एक चिकित्सक

⭕️Q30. चालुक्य वंश कहाँ स्थिर था ?

✅उत्तार = वातापी

👁️‍🗨️Chalukya vansh kahan sthir tha = Vatapi

⭕️Q31. सातवाहन राज्य के दक्षिण में क्या था ?

✅उत्तर = चेरि राजाओं का राज्य, चोल राजाओं का राज्य, पांड्य राजाओं का राज्य

⭕️Q32. चोल राजाओं का केंद्र था ?

✅उत्तर = तंजौर

⭕️Q33. ऐतहासिक चोल राज्य किस आधुनिक नगर के पास स्थिर हैं ?

✅उत्तर = हैदराबाद

⭕️Q34. एलोरा के भव्य शिव मंदिर का किसके शासन में निर्माण कराया गया था ?

✅उत्तर = कृष्णदेव प्रथम

⭕️Q35. ऋग्वैदिक समाज में कौन-सी प्रथा नहीं थी ?

✅उत्तर = बहुपति विवाह

⭕️Q36. हर्ष पहले तो थानेश्वर से शासन चलाता था बाद में उसने अपनी राजधानी किसको बनाया ?

✅उत्तर = कन्नौज

⭕️Q37. साँची के स्तूप का निर्माण किसके द्वारा कराया गया ?

✅उत्तर = अशोक

⭕️Q38. अश्वघोष कौन था ?

✅उत्तर = संस्कृत कवि जिसने बुद्धचरित की रचना की

⭕️Q39. एक प्रसिद्ध तमिल कवि जो 11 वीं 12 वीं शताब्दी में हुआ था ?

✅उत्तर = ध्यागराजा

⭕️Q40. आक्रमण करने वाला प्रथम मुस्लिम आक्रमणकारी था ?

✅उत्तर = मुहम्मद-बिन-कासिम

️✅ 101 important questions from history and culture️   Part- 2   ️Q21. Where did the Nandas rule?  Utara = Magadha    ️Q22 Whose misrule did Chandgupta Maurya save the country from?  Answer: Chandragupta Maurya had saved the country from the misrule of the Nandas.    ️Q23. Pataliputra was the capital of?  Answer = of Maurya kings    ️Q24. What did the war of Kalinga change in Ashoka?  Answer = He decided not to fight any battle in future    ️Q25. Whose capital was Hampi?  Answer: Vijayanagara Empire    ️Q26. Which dynasty in Indian history goes to the Golden Age?  Answer = to the Gupta dynasty    ️Q27. Hansang was a Chinese traveler who came to India during whose period?  Answer = Harshavardhana    ️Q28. Which king is known as Indian Napoleon?  Answer = to Samudragupta    ️Q29. In which state was Nalanda University located?  Answer = in Bihar    ️Q29. What was Charak?  Answer = a doctor    ️Q30. Where was the Chalukya dynasty stable?  Uttara = Vatapi  ️🗨️Chalukya vansh kahan sthir tha = Vatapi    ️Q31. What was to the south of the Satavahana kingdom?  Answer: The kingdom of the Cheri kings, the kingdom of the Chola kings, the kingdom of the Pandya kings    ️Q32. What was the center of the Chola kings?  Answer = Tanjore    ️Q33. The historical Chola kingdom is situated near which modern city?  Answer = Hyderabad    ️Q34. Under whose rule was the grand Shiva temple of Ellora built?  Answer = Krishna Deva I    ️Q35. Which custom was not there in the Rigvedic society?  Answer = Polygamy    ️Q36. Harsha first used to rule from Thaneshwar, later whom did he make his capital?  Answer = Kannauj    ️Q37. By whom was the Sanchi Stupa built?  Answer = Ashoka    ️Q38. Who was Ashvaghosh?  Answer = Sanskrit poet who composed Buddhacharita    ️Q39. A famous Tamil poet who happened in 11th 12th century?  Answer=Dhyagaraja    ️Q40. Who was the first Muslim invader to attack?  Answer = Muhammad-bin-Qasim

️✅ 101 important questions from history and culture️

Part- 2

️Q21. Where did the Nandas rule?

Utara = Magadha

️Q22 Whose misrule did Chandgupta Maurya save the country from?

Answer: Chandragupta Maurya had saved the country from the misrule of the Nandas.

️Q23. Pataliputra was the capital of?

Answer = of Maurya kings

️Q24. What did the war of Kalinga change in Ashoka?

Answer = He decided not to fight any battle in future

️Q25. Whose capital was Hampi?

Answer: Vijayanagara Empire

️Q26. Which dynasty in Indian history goes to the Golden Age?

Answer = to the Gupta dynasty

️Q27. Hansang was a Chinese traveler who came to India during whose period?

Answer = Harshavardhana

️Q28. Which king is known as Indian Napoleon?

Answer = to Samudragupta

️Q29. In which state was Nalanda University located?

Answer = in Bihar

️Q29. What was Charak?

Answer = a doctor

️Q30. Where was the Chalukya dynasty stable?

Uttara = Vatapi

️🗨️Chalukya vansh kahan sthir tha = Vatapi

️Q31. What was to the south of the Satavahana kingdom?

Answer: The kingdom of the Cheri kings, the kingdom of the Chola kings, the kingdom of the Pandya kings

️Q32. What was the center of the Chola kings?

Answer = Tanjore

️Q33. The historical Chola kingdom is situated near which modern city?

Answer = Hyderabad

️Q34. Under whose rule was the grand Shiva temple of Ellora built?

Answer = Krishna Deva I

️Q35. Which custom was not there in the Rigvedic society?

Answer = Polygamy

️Q36. Harsha first used to rule from Thaneshwar, later whom did he make his capital?

Answer = Kannauj

️Q37. By whom was the Sanchi Stupa built?

Answer = Ashoka

️Q38. Who was Ashvaghosh?

Answer = Sanskrit poet who composed Buddhacharita

️Q39. A famous Tamil poet who happened in 11th 12th century?


️Q40. Who was the first Muslim invader to attack?

Answer = Muhammad-bin-Qasim

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