दादा भाई नौरोजी ने अपने किस लेख में ‘धन के बहिर्गमन’ का सिद्धान्‍त प्रतिपादित किया

 ✅ आधुनिक भारतीय इतिहास जीके प्रश्न

प्रश्‍न – किस नेता को भारत का बिस्‍मार्क कहा जाता है? 

उत्‍तर – सरदार वल्‍लभ भाई पटेल को

प्रश्न – बिहार के महान स्‍वतंत्रता सेनानी कुँवर सिंह किस रियासत से सम्‍बन्धित थे?

उत्‍तर – जगदीशपुर रियासत से

प्रश्न – सुरमा घाटी का किसान आन्‍दोलन किस प्रदेश से सम्‍बन्‍ध रखता है? 

उत्‍तर – असम

प्रश्‍न – भारत की स्‍वतंत्रता प्राप्ति के समय कांग्रेस के अध्‍यक्ष कौन थे? 

उत्‍तर – आचार्य जे. बी् कृपलानी

प्रश्न – चौरीचौरा काण्‍ड के कारण कौनसा सत्‍याग्रह एकाएक रोका गया? 

उत्‍तर – असहयोग आन्‍दोलन

प्रश्न – 1890 में कलकत्‍ता विश्‍वविद्यालय की पहली ग्रेजुएट महिला ने कांग्रेस अधिवेशन को सम्‍बोधित किया था, वह थी?

उत्‍तर – कादम्बिनी गांगुली

प्रश्न – 17 अक्‍टूबर, 1940 को व्‍यक्तिगत सत्‍याग्रह का उद्घाटन किसने किया था 

उत्‍तर– आचार्य विनोबा भावे ने

प्रश्न – भारत के स्‍वतंत्रता आन्‍दोलन के नारों में ‘करो या मरो'(Do or Die) बड़ा ही सशक्‍त नारा था, इसे किसने और कब दिया?

 उत्‍तर – महात्‍मा गाँधी ने, भारत छोड़ो आन्‍दोलन में

प्रश्न – मार्च 1908 में मुस्लिम लीग का ‘स्‍थायी'(Permanent) अध्‍यक्ष किसे चुना गया है? 

उत्‍तर – आगा खाँ को

प्रश्न – चटगांव शस्‍त्रागार पर आक्रमण के क्रान्तिकारी अभियान का नेतृत्‍व किसने किया था 

उत्‍तर– सूर्य सेन ने

प्रश्न – दादा भाई नौरोजी ने अपने किस लेख में ‘धन के बहिर्गमन’ का सिद्धान्‍त प्रतिपादित किया 

उत्‍तर–‘इंग्‍लैण्‍ड डेट टु इण्डिया‘ नामक लेख में

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Modern Indian History GK Questions   Question – Which leader is called the Bismarck of India?  Answer – Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel   Question – To which princely state was Kunwar Singh, the great freedom fighter of Bihar related?  Answer – From the princely state of Jagdishpur   Question – With which state does the farmers movement of Surma valley belong?  Answer – Assam   Question – Who was the President of Congress at the time of India's independence?  Answer – Acharya J.  b kripalani   Question – Which Satyagraha was stopped suddenly due to Chauri Chaura incident?  Answer – Non-cooperation Movement   Question – In 1890, the first graduate woman of Calcutta University addressed the Congress session, she was?  Answer – Kadambini Ganguly   Question – Who inaugurated the Individual Satyagraha on October 17, 1940?  Answer – Acharya Vinoba Bhave   Question – 'Do or Die' was a very powerful slogan in the slogans of the freedom movement of India, who gave it and when?   Answer – Mahatma Gandhi, in Quit India Movement   Question – Who has been elected as the ‘Permanent’ President of the Muslim League in March 1908?  Answer – Aga Khan   Question – Who had led the revolutionary campaign of attack on Chittagong armory?  Answer – Surya Sen   Question – In which of his articles did Grandfather Naoroji propound the principle of ‘outflow of money’?  Answer – In the article titled “England Date to India”   Click Here

Modern Indian History GK Questions

 Question – Which leader is called the Bismarck of India?

 Answer – Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

 Question – To which princely state was Kunwar Singh, the great freedom fighter of Bihar related?

 Answer – From the princely state of Jagdishpur

 Question – With which state does the farmers movement of Surma valley belong?

 Answer – Assam

 Question – Who was the President of Congress at the time of India's independence?

 Answer – Acharya J.  b kripalani

 Question – Which Satyagraha was stopped suddenly due to Chauri Chaura incident?

 Answer – Non-cooperation Movement

 Question – In 1890, the first graduate woman of Calcutta University addressed the Congress session, she was?

 Answer – Kadambini Ganguly

 Question – Who inaugurated the Individual Satyagraha on October 17, 1940?

 Answer – Acharya Vinoba Bhave

 Question – 'Do or Die' was a very powerful slogan in the slogans of the freedom movement of India, who gave it and when?

  Answer – Mahatma Gandhi, in Quit India Movement

 Question – Who has been elected as the ‘Permanent’ President of the Muslim League in March 1908?

 Answer – Aga Khan

 Question – Who had led the revolutionary campaign of attack on Chittagong armory?

 Answer – Surya Sen

 Question – In which of his articles did Grandfather Naoroji propound the principle of ‘outflow of money’?

 Answer – In the article titled “England Date to India”

 Click Here

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