सर्वप्रथम भारत को इंडिया नाम से किसने संबोधित किया था ?

 🚧📓★ Indian History Important One Liner Question In Hindi★📓🚧

🎻. सर्वप्रथम भारत को इंडिया नाम से किसने संबोधित किया था ?

उत्तर. यूनानियों ने

🎸. चावल के साक्ष्य हमें कहां से प्राप्त हुए हैं ?

उत्तर. रंगपुर एवं लोथल से

🎻. वर्धन वंश की राजधानी क्या थी ?

उत्तर. थानेश्वर

🎸. मेसोपोटामिया का अर्थ क्या है ?

उत्तर. दो नदियों के बीच की भूमि

🎻. चाक का आविष्कार किस काल में हुआ था ?

उत्तर. नवपाषाण काल में

🎸. श्रीनगर की स्थापना किसने की थी ?

उत्तर. अशोक ने, वितस्ता नदी के तट पर

🎻. महावीर के 11 शिष्य क्या कहलाते थे ?

उत्तर. गणधर

🎸. सिंधु घाटी सभ्यता का सबसे अधिक दक्षिणी पुरास्थल कौन सा था ?

उत्तर. दाईमाबाद, अहमद नगर, महाराष्ट्र

🎻. होयसल वंश की राजधानी क्या थी ?

उत्तर. द्वार समुद्र

🎸. गंगो की प्रारंभिक राजधानी क्या थी ?

उत्तर. कोलर

🎻. चौथी बौद्ध संगीति किसके शासनकाल में हुई थी ?

उत्तर. कनिष्क

🎸. पृथ्वीराज रासो के रचयिता कौन है ?

उत्तर. चंद्रवरदाई

🎻. साख्य दर्शन के प्रवर्तक कौन थे ?

उत्तर. कपिल मुनि

🎸. चीनी यात्री ह्वेनसांग भारत कब आया था ?

उत्तर. 630 से 644 ईसवी के बीच

🎻. समुद्रगुप्त का उत्तराधिकारी कौन था ?

उत्तर. चंद्रगुप्त द्वितीय (विक्रमादित्य)

🎸. जैन धर्म के दो संप्रदाय कौन-कौन से थे ?

उत्तर. श्वेतांबर और दिगंबर

🎻. आग का आविष्कार किस काल में हुआ था ?

उत्तर. पुरापाषाण काल में

🎸. सिंधु घाटी सभ्यता का सबसे अधिक पूर्वी पुरास्थल कौन सा था ?

उत्तर. आलमगीरपुर, मेरठ, उत्तर प्रदेश

🎻. ऋग्वेद में सबसे पवित्र नदी किसे माना गया है ?

उत्तर. सरस्वती नदी को

🎸. गहड़वाल वंश का संस्थापक कौन था ?

उत्तर. चंद्रदेव

🎻. मनुस्मृति किस वंश के समय में लिखी गई थी ?

उत्तर. शुंग वंश के समय में

🎸. महावीर का प्रथम अनुयाई कौन था ?

उत्तर. महावीर का दामाद जमाली

🎻. सेनवंश का संस्थापक कौन था ?

उत्तर. सामंत सेन

🎸. गौतम बुद्ध के पिता का क्या नाम था ?

उत्तर. शुद्धोधन

🎻. चोल वंश का अंतिम राजा कौन था ?

उत्तर. राजेंद्र तृतीय

🎸. राष्ट्रकूट राजवंश का संस्थापक कौन था ?

उत्तर. दंतिदुर्ग

🎻. भारत का प्रसिद्ध राष्ट्रीय वाक्य सत्यमेव जयते कहां से लिया गया है ?

उत्तर. मुंडकोपनिषद् से

🎸. जैन धर्म का वास्तविक संस्थापक किसे माना जाता है ?

उत्तर. महावीर जैन को

🎻. द्वितीय जैन सभा कब आयोजित की गई थी ?

उत्तर. 512 ई. मे

🎸. अष्टाध्याई के लेखक कौन है ?

उत्तर. पाणिनी


★ Indian History Important One Liner Question In Hindi★📓🚧    .  Who first addressed India as India?   answer.  the Greeks   .  From where have we got the evidence of rice?   answer.  Rangpur and Lothal   .  What was the capital of Vardhana dynasty?   answer.  Thaneshwar   .  What is the meaning of Mesopotamia?   answer.  land between two rivers   .  When was chalk invented?   answer.  in the Neolithic   .  Who founded Srinagar?   answer.  Ashoka, on the banks of the river Vitasta   .  What were the 11 disciples of Mahavir called?   answer.  gandhar   .  Which was the southernmost site of the Indus Valley Civilization?   answer.  Daimabad, Ahmed Nagar, Maharashtra   .  What was the capital of Hoysala dynasty?   answer.  door sea   .  What was the initial capital of Gango?   answer.  caller   .  During whose reign was the fourth Buddhist council held?   answer.  Kanishk   .  Who is the author of Prithviraj Raso?   answer.  chandravardai   .  Who was the originator of Sakhya philosophy?   answer.  Kapil Muni   .  When did the Chinese traveler Hiuen Tsang come to India?   answer.  Between 630 and 644 AD   .  Who was the successor of Samudragupta?   answer.  Chandragupta II (Vikramaditya)   .  What were the two sects of Jainism?   answer.  Shvetambara and Digambara   .  When was fire invented?   answer.  in the Palaeolithic   .  Which was the easternmost site of the Indus Valley Civilization?   answer.  Alamgirpur, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh   .  Which is considered the most sacred river in Rigveda?   answer.  to Saraswati river   .  Who was the founder of Gahadwal dynasty?   answer.  moon god   .  In which dynasty was the Manusmriti written?   answer.  during the Sunga dynasty   .  Who was the first follower of Mahavira?   answer.  Mahavir's son-in-law Jamali   .  Who was the founder of Sena dynasty?   answer.  Samant Sen   .  What was the name of Gautam Buddha's father?   answer.  purification   .  Who was the last king of the Chola dynasty?   answer.  Rajendra III   .  Who was the founder of Rashtrakuta dynasty?   answer.  Dantidurga   .  From where is the famous national sentence of India Satyamev Jayate taken?   answer.  from Mundakopanishad   .  Who is considered the real founder of Jainism?   answer.  to Mahavir Jain   .  When was the second Jain Sabha organized?   answer.  in 512 AD   .  Who is the author of Ashtadhyai?   answer.  panini   .


★ Indian History Important One Liner Question In Hindi★📓🚧

 .  Who first addressed India as India?

 answer.  the Greeks

 .  From where have we got the evidence of rice?

 answer.  Rangpur and Lothal

 .  What was the capital of Vardhana dynasty?

 answer.  Thaneshwar

 .  What is the meaning of Mesopotamia?

 answer.  land between two rivers

 .  When was chalk invented?

 answer.  in the Neolithic

 .  Who founded Srinagar?

 answer.  Ashoka, on the banks of the river Vitasta

 .  What were the 11 disciples of Mahavir called?

 answer.  gandhar

 .  Which was the southernmost site of the Indus Valley Civilization?

 answer.  Daimabad, Ahmed Nagar, Maharashtra

 .  What was the capital of Hoysala dynasty?

 answer.  door sea

 .  What was the initial capital of Gango?

 answer.  caller

 .  During whose reign was the fourth Buddhist council held?

 answer.  Kanishk

 .  Who is the author of Prithviraj Raso?

 answer.  chandravardai

 .  Who was the originator of Sakhya philosophy?

 answer.  Kapil Muni

 .  When did the Chinese traveler Hiuen Tsang come to India?

 answer.  Between 630 and 644 AD

 .  Who was the successor of Samudragupta?

 answer.  Chandragupta II (Vikramaditya)

 .  What were the two sects of Jainism?

 answer.  Shvetambara and Digambara

 .  When was fire invented?

 answer.  in the Palaeolithic

 .  Which was the easternmost site of the Indus Valley Civilization?

 answer.  Alamgirpur, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh

 .  Which is considered the most sacred river in Rigveda?

 answer.  to Saraswati river

 .  Who was the founder of Gahadwal dynasty?

 answer.  moon god

 .  In which dynasty was the Manusmriti written?

 answer.  during the Sunga dynasty

 .  Who was the first follower of Mahavira?

 answer.  Mahavir's son-in-law Jamali

 .  Who was the founder of Sena dynasty?

 answer.  Samant Sen

 .  What was the name of Gautam Buddha's father?

 answer.  purification

 .  Who was the last king of the Chola dynasty?

 answer.  Rajendra III

 .  Who was the founder of Rashtrakuta dynasty?

 answer.  Dantidurga

 .  From where is the famous national sentence of India Satyamev Jayate taken?

 answer.  from Mundakopanishad

 .  Who is considered the real founder of Jainism?

 answer.  to Mahavir Jain

 .  When was the second Jain Sabha organized?

 answer.  in 512 AD

 .  Who is the author of Ashtadhyai?

 answer.  panini


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