Convened(V):-come or bring together for a meeting or activity; assemble.संयोजित


 1.Convened(V):-come or bring together for a meeting or activity; assemble.संयोजित

2.In the midst of(phrase):in the middle of a place or a group of things or people

3.Spilled over(Phrasal Verb):(of a bad situation or strong emotion)reach a point at which it can no longer be controlled or contained

4.Depleted(v):-use up the supply or resources of.कम करना

5.Vulnerable: at riks, Unsafe.

6.Precipitous(adj.):-dangerously high or steep.शीघ्र

7.Vertebrate(N):-an animal of a large group distinguished by the possession of a backbone or spinal column, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes

8.flora and fauna:  the term flora relates to all plant life and the term fauna represents all animal life.

9.Irritants(N):-thing that is continually annoying or distracting.

10.Dispensed with(Phrasal verb):to no longer use someone or something because you no longer want or need them

11.Envisaged(v):-foresee, predict परिकल्पित

12.Indigenous(Adj.):-originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.  

13.Toe-to-toe(Phrase:):-(of two people) standing directly in front of one another, especially in order to fight or argue.काँटे की टक्कर

14.Bonhomie(N):-cheerful friendliness; geniality.खुशमिजाजी

15.Undergird(v):-STRENGTHEN, SUPPORT

16.Disdain(तिरस्कार):-the feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one's consideration or respect.

17.Brawl:to quarrel or fight noisily

English  1.Convened(V):-come or bring together for a meeting or activity; assemble.संयोजित    2.In the midst of(phrase):in the middle of a place or a group of things or people    3.Spilled over(Phrasal Verb):(of a bad situation or strong emotion)reach a point at which it can no longer be controlled or contained    4.Depleted(v):-use up the supply or resources of.कम करना    5.Vulnerable: at riks, Unsafe.    6.Precipitous(adj.):-dangerously high or steep.शीघ्र    7.Vertebrate(N):-an animal of a large group distinguished by the possession of a backbone or spinal column, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes    8.flora and fauna:  the term flora relates to all plant life and the term fauna represents all animal life.    9.Irritants(N):-thing that is continually annoying or distracting.    10.Dispensed with(Phrasal verb):to no longer use someone or something because you no longer want or need them    11.Envisaged(v):-foresee, predict परिकल्पित    12.Indigenous(Adj.):-originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.      13.Toe-to-toe(Phrase:):-(of two people) standing directly in front of one another, especially in order to fight or argue.काँटे की टक्कर    14.Bonhomie(N):-cheerful friendliness; geniality.खुशमिजाजी    15.Undergird(v):-STRENGTHEN, SUPPORT    16.Disdain(तिरस्कार):-the feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one's consideration or respect.    17.Brawl:to quarrel or fight noisily    18.Dug One's heels(Phrase):- to refuse to alter one's course of action or opinions; to be obstinate or determined.    19.Bungling(गोलमाल करना):-making or characterized by many clumsy mistakes.    20.Stepping out of the shadow : is used to describe someone finding success apart from the success of another person.    21.Bout(N): spell, period, time    22.Prosaically(adverb):-नीरसता से, monotonously, prosaically    23.Stalwarts(दिग्गजों):-a loyal, reliable, and hard-working supporter of or participant in an organization or team.    24.Demarcated(verb):Seprate, delimit; सीमांकित    25.Mopping up(phrasal verb):-complete the military conquest of an area by capturing or killing remaining enemy troops;make an end of, account for, take care of.    26.Epitaph(स्मृति लेख):-omething by which a person, time, or event will be remembered    27.Denouement: Outcome, resut , end result    28.Resurrection: restoration, regeneration    29.Stringent(Adj):-strict, precise, and exacting.कड़ा, कठोर    30.Debilitating(Adj.):-tending to weaken something.कमजोरी लाने वाली    31.In the face of(phrase):;despite:के बावजूद    32.Recalcitrant(Adj.):-unmanageable, ungovernable, आज्ञा न माननेवाला    33.Caveats(N):-warning, caution ,admonition;चेतावनियां    34.Albeit is a conjunction that means “even though” or “although.”    35.Beleaguered(V):put in a very difficult situation.परेशान    36.Semblance(N):-appearance, show; दिखावा, झलक,अनुरूपता    37.Buoy(v):-keep (someone or something) afloat. सीमित    38.Contraction(N): shrinking, decline    39.Recalibrate(v)calibrate (something) again or differently.अंशांकित    40. Depleted(v):-use up the supply or resources of.कम करना

18.Dug One's heels(Phrase):- to refuse to alter one's course of action or opinions; to be obstinate or determined.

19.Bungling(गोलमाल करना):-making or characterized by many clumsy mistakes.

20.Stepping out of the shadow : is used to describe someone finding success apart from the success of another person.

21.Bout(N): spell, period, time

22.Prosaically(adverb):-नीरसता से, monotonously, prosaically

23.Stalwarts(दिग्गजों):-a loyal, reliable, and hard-working supporter of or participant in an organization or team.

24.Demarcated(verb):Seprate, delimit; सीमांकित

25.Mopping up(phrasal verb):-complete the military conquest of an area by capturing or killing remaining enemy troops;make an end of, account for, take care of.

26.Epitaph(स्मृति लेख):-omething by which a person, time, or event will be remembered

27.Denouement: Outcome, resut , end result

28.Resurrection: restoration, regeneration

29.Stringent(Adj):-strict, precise, and exacting.कड़ा, कठोर

30.Debilitating(Adj.):-tending to weaken something.कमजोरी लाने वाली

31.In the face of(phrase):;despite:के बावजूद

32.Recalcitrant(Adj.):-unmanageable, ungovernable, आज्ञा न माननेवाला

33.Caveats(N):-warning, caution ,admonition;चेतावनियां

34.Albeit is a conjunction that means “even though” or “although.”

35.Beleaguered(V):put in a very difficult situation.परेशान

36.Semblance(N):-appearance, show; दिखावा, झलक,अनुरूपता

37.Buoy(v):-keep (someone or something) afloat. सीमित

38.Contraction(N): shrinking, decline

39.Recalibrate(v)calibrate (something) again or differently.अंशांकित

40. Depleted(v):-use up the supply or resources of.कम करना

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