फ़्यूज़न माइक्रो फाइनेंस ने “US International DFC” से कितने मिलियन डॉलर का ऋण प्राप्त किया है?

 Date :-  23 - May (05) - 2024

Day :-  Thursday 

DCA Dose :- 23#May_2024

प्रश्न 1:- इंडिया रेटिंग्स एंड रिसर्च के अनुसार मार्च तिमाही में भारत की GDP ग्रोथ रेट कितने प्रतिशत रहने की उम्मीद है?

उत्तर :- 6.7 प्रतिशत।

प्रश्न 2:- TReDS ने MSME के लिए इनवॉयस फाइनेंसिंग में कितने ट्रिलियन रुपये को पार किया है?

उत्तर :- 1 ट्रिलियन रुपये को।

प्रश्न 3:- किस जोड़ी ने थाईलैंड ओपन 2024 में पुरुष युगल फाइनल जीता है?

उत्तर :- सात्विकसाईराज रंकीरेड्डी और चिराग शेट्टी ने।

प्रश्न 4:- फ़्यूज़न माइक्रो फाइनेंस ने “US International DFC” से कितने मिलियन डॉलर का ऋण प्राप्त किया है?

उत्तर :- 25 मिलियन डॉलर का।

प्रश्न 5:- दीप्ति जीवनजी ने महिलाओं की टी20 400 मीटर स्पर्धा में (पैरा एथलेटिक्स चैंपियनशिप 2024 में) कौन-सा पदक जीता है?

उत्तर :- स्वर्ण पदक।

प्रश्न 6:- सभी ग्लेशियरों को खोने वाला पहला देश कौन-सा बना है?

उत्तर :- वेनेजुएला।

प्रश्न 7:- निकहत ज़रीन ने कजाकिस्तान में एलोर्डा कप 2024 में कौन-सा पदक जीता है?

उत्तर :- स्वर्ण पदक।

प्रश्न 8:- सरकार को FY24 में सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के बैंकों से कितना प्रतिशत अधिक लाभांश प्राप्त होगा?

उत्तर :- 30 प्रतिशत।

प्रश्न 9:- फोर्ब्स की सबसे ज्यादा कमाई करने वाले एथलीटों की सूची में शीर्ष स्थान पर कौन बने हुए हैं?

उत्तर :- क्रिस्टियानो रोनाल्डो।

प्रश्न 10:- किस देश की क्रिकेट टीम ने नंदिनी डेयरी को टीम का आधिकारिक प्रायोजक बनाने की घोषणा की है?

उत्तर :- क्रिकेट स्कॉटलैंड ने।

प्रश्न 11:- वित्त वर्ष 2024 में कच्चे तेल के आयात से रूस के साथ व्यापार घाटा कितना प्रतिशत बढ़ा है?

उत्तर :- 33 प्रतिशत।

प्रश्न 12:- IDFC FIRST बैंक के पूर्णकालिक निदेशक के रूप में किसे नियुक्त किया गया है?

उत्तर :- प्रदीप नटराजन को।

प्रश्न 13:- हाल ही में ताइवान के नए राष्ट्रपति कौन बने हैं?

उत्तर :- विलियम लाई चिंग-ते।

प्रश्न 14:- अनु रानी (भाला फेंक खिलाड़ी) ने अंतर्राष्ट्रीय फिंगस्टस्पोर्टफेस्ट रेहलिंगन 2024 में कौन-सा पदक जीता है?

उत्तर :- रजत पदक।

प्रश्न 15:- किस देश के राष्ट्रपति इब्राहिम रायसी की हेलीकॉप्टर दुर्घटना में मौत हो गई है?

उत्तर :- ईरान के।

प्रश्न 16:- विश्व पैरा एथलेटिक्स चैंपियनशिप में दीप्ति जीवनजी ने कौन-सा पदक जीता है?

उत्तर :- स्वर्ण पदक।

प्रश्न 17:- भारत सरकार के पशुपालन और डेयरी विभाग ने वैक्सीन कोल्ड चेन प्रबंधन के लिए किसके साथ समझौता किया है?

उत्तर :- यूएनडीपी-इंडिया के साथ।

प्रश्न 18:- किस देश के द्वारा नेवादा में एक सबक्रिटिकल परमाणु परीक्षण किया गया है?

उत्तर :- संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका द्वारा।

प्रश्न 19:- किस महिला टेनिस खिलाड़ी ने इटालियन ओपन का खिताब अपने नाम किया है?

उत्तर :- इगा स्विटेक ने।

प्रश्न 20:- IPL 2024 के फाइनल में पहुंचने वाली पहली टीम कौन-सी बनी है?

उत्तर :- Kolkata Knight Riders.

प्रश्न 21:- हाल ही में किसने दूसरी बार इटैलियन ओपन खिताब जीता है?

उत्तर :- अलेक्जेंडर ज़्वेरेव ने।

प्रश्न 22:- किसके द्वारा मलेरिया वैक्सीन खुराक का पहला सेट अफ्रीका को भेजा गया है?

उत्तर :- एसआईआई द्वारा।

प्रश्न 23:- एससी वर्ग के तहत छात्रों का नामांकन कितने प्रतिशत से बढ़ा है?

उत्तर :- 44 प्रतिशत से।

प्रश्न 24:- व्यवसाय वृद्धि के मामले में पीएसयू बैंकों में शीर्ष पर कौन-सा बैंक रहा है?

उत्तर :- बैंक ऑफ महाराष्ट्र।

प्रश्न 25:- हाल ही में किस बैंक ने यस ग्रैंड्युर लॉन्च किया है?

उत्तर :- यस बैंक ने।

प्रश्न 26:- FSSAI ने फलों को पकाने के लिए किस रसायन का उपयोग करने पर फल व्यापारियों को चेतावनी जारी की है?

उत्तर :- कैल्शियम कार्बाइड का।

प्रश्न 27:- हाल ही में CII के नए अध्यक्ष के रूप में किसे नियुक्त किया गया है?

उत्तर :- ITC प्रमुख संजीव पुरी को।

प्रश्न 28:- ईरान के नए कार्यवाहक राष्ट्रपति कौन बने हैं?

उत्तर :- मोहम्मद मोखबर।

प्रश्न 29:- किसे इंटरनेशनल एल्युमीनियम इंस्टीट्यूट का उपाध्यक्ष नियुक्त किया गया है?

उत्तर :- जॉन स्लेवेन को।

प्रश्न 30:- JSW Cement द्वारा किस राज्य में 3000 करोड़ रुपये का निवेश किया जाएगा?

उत्तर :- राजस्थान राज्य में।

Date :- 23 - May (05) - 2024  Day :- Thursday   DCA Dose :- 23#May_2024   Question 1:- According to India Ratings and Research, what percent is India's GDP growth rate expected to be in the March quarter?  Answer :- 6.7 percent.    Question 2:- TReDS has crossed how many trillion rupees in invoice financing for MSMEs?  Answer:- Rs 1 trillion.    Question 3:- Which pair has won the men's doubles final in Thailand Open 2024?  Answer:- Satwiksairaj Rankireddy and Chirag Shetty.    Question 4:- How many million dollars has Fusion Micro Finance received a loan from “US International DFC”?  Answer:- 25 million dollars.    Question 5:- Which medal has Deepti Jeevanji won in the women's T20 400 meters event (in Para Athletics Championship 2024)?  Answer :- Gold medal.    Question 6:- Which has become the first country to lose all its glaciers?  Answer :- Venezuela.    Question 7:- Which medal has been won by Nikhat Zareen in Elorda Cup 2024 in Kazakhstan?  Answer :- Gold medal.    Question 8:- How much percent more dividend will the government receive from public sector banks in FY24?  Answer :- 30 percent.    Question 9:- Who remains on the top position in the Forbes list of highest-paid athletes?  Answer :- Cristiano Ronaldo.    Question 10:- Which country's cricket team has announced to make Nandini Dairy the official sponsor of the team?  Answer :- Cricket Scotland.    Question 11:- By what percentage has the trade deficit with Russia increased due to crude oil imports in FY 2024?  Answer :- 33 percent.    Question 12:- Who has been appointed as the whole time director of IDFC FIRST Bank?  Answer :- To Pradeep Natarajan.    Question 13:- Who has recently become the new President of Taiwan?  Answer :- William Lai Ching-te.    Question 14:- Which medal has Anu Rani (javelin thrower) won in the International Fingersportfest Rehlingen 2024?  Answer :- Silver Medal.    Question 15:- Which country's President Ibrahim Raisi has died in a helicopter crash?  Answer:- Of Iran.    Question 16:- Which medal has Deepti Jeevanji won in the World Para Athletics Championship?  Answer :- Gold medal.    Question 17:- With whom has the Animal Husbandry and Dairy Department of the Government of India entered into an agreement for vaccine cold chain management?  Answer:- With UNDP-India.    Question 18:- Which country has conducted a subcritical nuclear test in Nevada?  Answer :- By United States.    Question 19:- Which female tennis player has won the Italian Open title?  Answer:- Inga Switek.    Question 20:- Which has become the first team to reach the final of IPL 2024?  Answer :- Kolkata Knight Riders.    Question 21:- Who has recently won the Italian Open title for the second time?  Answer :- Alexander Zverev.    Question 22:- By whom has the first set of malaria vaccine doses been sent to Africa?  Answer :- By SII.    Question 23:- By what percentage has the enrollment of students under SC category increased?  Answer :- By 44 percent.    Question 24:- Which bank has been on top among PSU banks in terms of business growth?  Answer :- Bank of Maharashtra.    Question 25:- Which bank has recently launched Yes Grandeur?  Answer :- Yes Bank.    Question 26:- FSSAI has issued a warning to fruit traders on using which chemical for ripening fruits?  Answer :- Calcium Carbide.    Question 27:- Who has been recently appointed as the new Chairman of CII?  Answer :- To ITC chief Sanjeev Puri.    Question 28:- Who has become the new acting President of Iran?  Answer :- Mohammad Mokhbar.    Question 29:- Who has been appointed as the Vice President of International Aluminum Institute?  Answer:- To John Slaven.    Question 30:- In which state Rs 3000 crore will be invested by JSW Cement?  Answer :- In Rajasthan state.

Date :- 23 - May (05) - 2024

Day :- Thursday 

DCA Dose :- 23#May_2024

Question 1:- According to India Ratings and Research, what percent is India's GDP growth rate expected to be in the March quarter?

Answer :- 6.7 percent.

Question 2:- TReDS has crossed how many trillion rupees in invoice financing for MSMEs?

Answer:- Rs 1 trillion.

Question 3:- Which pair has won the men's doubles final in Thailand Open 2024?

Answer:- Satwiksairaj Rankireddy and Chirag Shetty.

Question 4:- How many million dollars has Fusion Micro Finance received a loan from “US International DFC”?

Answer:- 25 million dollars.

Question 5:- Which medal has Deepti Jeevanji won in the women's T20 400 meters event (in Para Athletics Championship 2024)?

Answer :- Gold medal.

Question 6:- Which has become the first country to lose all its glaciers?

Answer :- Venezuela.

Question 7:- Which medal has been won by Nikhat Zareen in Elorda Cup 2024 in Kazakhstan?

Answer :- Gold medal.

Question 8:- How much percent more dividend will the government receive from public sector banks in FY24?

Answer :- 30 percent.

Question 9:- Who remains on the top position in the Forbes list of highest-paid athletes?

Answer :- Cristiano Ronaldo.

Question 10:- Which country's cricket team has announced to make Nandini Dairy the official sponsor of the team?

Answer :- Cricket Scotland.

Question 11:- By what percentage has the trade deficit with Russia increased due to crude oil imports in FY 2024?

Answer :- 33 percent.

Question 12:- Who has been appointed as the whole time director of IDFC FIRST Bank?

Answer :- To Pradeep Natarajan.

Question 13:- Who has recently become the new President of Taiwan?

Answer :- William Lai Ching-te.

Question 14:- Which medal has Anu Rani (javelin thrower) won in the International Fingersportfest Rehlingen 2024?

Answer :- Silver Medal.

Question 15:- Which country's President Ibrahim Raisi has died in a helicopter crash?

Answer:- Of Iran.

Question 16:- Which medal has Deepti Jeevanji won in the World Para Athletics Championship?

Answer :- Gold medal.

Question 17:- With whom has the Animal Husbandry and Dairy Department of the Government of India entered into an agreement for vaccine cold chain management?

Answer:- With UNDP-India.

Question 18:- Which country has conducted a subcritical nuclear test in Nevada?

Answer :- By United States.

Question 19:- Which female tennis player has won the Italian Open title?

Answer:- Inga Switek.

Question 20:- Which has become the first team to reach the final of IPL 2024?

Answer :- Kolkata Knight Riders.

Question 21:- Who has recently won the Italian Open title for the second time?

Answer :- Alexander Zverev.

Question 22:- By whom has the first set of malaria vaccine doses been sent to Africa?

Answer :- By SII.

Question 23:- By what percentage has the enrollment of students under SC category increased?

Answer :- By 44 percent.

Question 24:- Which bank has been on top among PSU banks in terms of business growth?

Answer :- Bank of Maharashtra.

Question 25:- Which bank has recently launched Yes Grandeur?

Answer :- Yes Bank.

Question 26:- FSSAI has issued a warning to fruit traders on using which chemical for ripening fruits?

Answer :- Calcium Carbide.

Question 27:- Who has been recently appointed as the new Chairman of CII?

Answer :- To ITC chief Sanjeev Puri.

Question 28:- Who has become the new acting President of Iran?

Answer :- Mohammad Mokhbar.

Question 29:- Who has been appointed as the Vice President of International Aluminum Institute?

Answer:- To John Slaven.

Question 30:- In which state Rs 3000 crore will be invested by JSW Cement?

Answer :- In Rajasthan state.

एक टिप्पणी भेजें

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