किस देश की सरकार ने विजय माल्या, मेहुल चोकसी और नीरव मोदी की 19,111 करोड़ रुपये की संपत्ति ज़ब्त की है?

  Current Affairs

Date :- 24/ March (03) /2022

#DCA_Dose  ⃝➥ 83__

प्रश्न 1:- फिच रेटिंग्स ने भारत के FY23 के GDP विकास दर के अनुमान को घटाकर कितना % किया है?

उत्तर :- 8.5%।

प्रश्न 2:- किस विधानसभा ने धर्मांतरण-रोधी विधेयक “हरियाणा गैरकानूनी धर्मांतरण रोकथाम विधेयक, 2022” पारित किया है?

उत्तर :- हरियाणा विधानसभा ने।

प्रश्न 3:- किस इंडियन डिजिटल पेमेंट कंपनी ने 'फ्रीलांस एंटरप्रेन्योर नेटवर्क गिगइंडिया का अधिग्रहण' किया है?

उत्तर :- फ़ोनपे।

प्रश्न 4:- किस देश की सेनाएं संयुक्त अभ्यास ‘दस्तलिक’ के तीसरे संस्करण में भाग ले रही हैं?

उत्तर :-  भारत और उज्बेकिस्तान की सेनाएं।

प्रश्न 5:- 24 मार्च 2022 को पुरे विश्व भर में कौनसा दिवस  मनाया जाता है?

उत्तर :- विश्व टीबी दिवस।

प्रश्न 6:- '2022 ऑल इंग्लैंड ओपन बैडमिंटन चैंपियनशिप' में भारत के लक्ष्य सेन ने कौन सा स्थान हासिल किया है?

उत्तर :- दूसरा।

प्रश्न 7:- विश्व वायु गुणवत्ता रिपोर्ट के अनुसार किस देश की राजधानी  को लगातार

 दूसरे वर्ष दुनिया के सबसे प्रदूषित राजधानी शहर का दर्जा दिया गया है?

उत्तर :- भारत की राजधानी नई दिल्ली को।

प्रश्न 8:- भारत ने पहली बार कितने अरब डॉलर के माल निर्यात का लक्ष्य हासिल किया है?

उत्तर :- 400 अरब डॉलर।

प्रश्न 9:- संयुक्त अरब अमीरात के किस शहर में हाल ही में 'विश्व पैरा एथलेटिक्स ग्रांड प्रिक्स' का आयोजन किया गया है?

उत्तर :- दुबई।

प्रश्न 10:- धरती का सबसे गर्म स्थान कौनसा बना है?

उत्तर :- कुवैत (रिकॉर्ड 53.2 डिग्री सेल्सियस)।


प्रश्न 11:- किसने दिल्‍ली के तीन नगर निगमों के एकीकरण संबंधी विधेयक को स्‍वीकृति दे दी है?

उत्तर :- केन्‍द्रीय मंत्रिमंडल ने।

प्रश्न 12:- किस देश की सरकार  ने विजय माल्या, मेहुल चोकसी और नीरव मोदी की 19,111 करोड़ रुपये की संपत्ति ज़ब्त की है?

उत्तर :- भारतीय सरकार ने।

प्रश्न 13:- 5वें वुमन ट्रांसफॉर्मिंग इंडिया अवार्ड्स में नीति आयोग द्वारा कितनी महिलाओं को सम्मानित किया गया है?

उत्तर :- 75 महिलाओं को।

प्रश्न 14:- किस राज्य  के 'नरसिंगपेट्टई नागस्वर्म' को भौगोलिक पहचान टैग मिला है?

उत्तर :- तमिलनाडु।

प्रश्न 15:- किस केंद्रीय मंत्री ने सुजलम 2.0 अभियान की शुरुआत की है?

उत्तर :- केंद्रीय जल शक्ति मंत्री गजेंद्र सिंह शेखावत जी ने।

प्रश्न 16:-  भारतीय संविधान का पहली बार किस लिपि में अनुवाद किया गया है?

उत्तर :- ओल चिकी लिपि में।

प्रश्न 17:- कौन प्रित्ज़कर पुरस्कार 2022 जीतने वाले पहले अफ्रीकी बने हैं?

उत्तर :- फ्रांसिस केरे।

प्रश्न 18:- 2022 बीएनपी परिबास ओपन टेनिस टूर्नामेंट हाल ही में किस देश में आयोजित किया गया है?

उत्तर :- अमेरिका में।

प्रश्न 19:- रूस पर निर्भरता कम करने के लिए जर्मनी ने किस उत्तर-पूर्वी देश के साथ ऊर्जा समझौते पर हस्ताक्षर किए हैं?

उत्तर :- क़तर देश के साथ।

प्रश्न 20:- कौन पद्म भूषण से सम्मानित होने वाले पहले पैरा एथलीट बन गए हैं?

उत्तर :- देवेंद्र झाझरिया।

प्रश्न 21:- किस बैंक ने हाल ही में “स्मार्टहब व्यापार कार्यक्रम” और “ऑटोफर्स्ट ” एप्प लांच करने की घोषणा की है?

उत्तर :- एचडीएफसी बैंक ने।

प्रश्न 22:- नागरिक उड्डयन मंत्रालय किस शहर में 24 से 27 मार्च 2022 तक 'विंग्स इंडिया 2022' का आयोजन करेगा?

उत्तर :- हैदराबाद में।

प्रश्न 23:- किस भारतीय मूल के चिकित्सक को हाल ही में व्हाइट हाउस का नया कोविड-19 प्रतिक्रिया समन्वयक नियुक्त किया गया है?

उत्तर :- आशीष झा।

प्रश्न 24:- एन बीरेन सिंह ने हाल ही में दुसरे कार्यकाल के लिए किस राज्य के मुख्यमंत्री के रूप में शपथ ली है?

उत्तर :- मणिपुर।

प्रश्न 25:-  किस केंद्रीय मंत्री ने “India and the Arctic: building a partnership for sustainable development” नीति लांच की है?

उत्तर :- केंद्रीय पृथ्वी विज्ञान मंत्री जितेंद्र सिंह जी ने।

प्रश्न 26:- किस ने सभी केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालयों के लिए कॉमन एंट्रेंस टेस्ट अनिवार्य किया है?

उत्तर :- यूजीसी ने।

प्रश्न 27:- किसने हाल ही में “यूपीआई लाइट – ऑन-डिवाइस वॉलेट” कार्यक्षमता तैयार की है?

उत्तर :- नेशनल पेमेंट्स कॉरपोरेशन ऑफ इंडिया ने।

प्रश्न 28:- सरकार ने इस वित्तीय वर्ष के अंत तक किसका भारत संचार निगम लिमिटेड (बीएसएनएल) में विलय करने का फैसला किया है?

उत्तर :- बीबीएनएल का।

प्रश्न 29:- प्रभावी बहुपक्षवाद पर संयुक्त राष्ट्र सलाहकार बोर्ड (UN Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism) में किस भारतीय को नियुक्त किया गया है?

उत्तर :- जयती घोष।

प्रश्न 30:- बहरीन इंटरनेशनल सर्किट में फॉर्मूला वन बहरीन ग्रांड प्रिक्स 2022 का ख़िताब किसने जीता है?

उत्तर :- चार्ल्स लेक्लर ने।

Current Affairs Date :- 24/ March (03) /2022  #DCA_Dose 83__    Question 1:- Fitch Ratings has reduced India's GDP growth forecast for FY23 to what percent?  Answer :- 8.5%.    Question 2:- Which assembly has passed the anti-conversion bill “Haryana Prevention of Unlawful Conversions Bill, 2022”?  Answer:- Haryana Vidhan Sabha.    Question 3:- Which Indian digital payments company has 'Acquired Freelance Entrepreneur Network GigIndia'?  Answer :- Phonepe.    Question 4:- Which country's armies are participating in the third edition of joint exercise 'Dastlik'?  Answer:- Armies of India and Uzbekistan.    Question 5:- Which day is celebrated all over the world on 24 March 2022?  Answer:- World TB Day.    Question 6:- What is the rank achieved by India's Lakshya Sen in the '2022 All England Open Badminton Championship'?  Answer: Second.    Question 7:- According to the World Air Quality Report, the capital of which country is continuously   Ranked the world's most polluted capital city for the second year?  Answer:- New Delhi, the capital of India.    Question 8:- India has achieved the target of exporting goods worth how many billion dollars for the first time?  Answer: - 400 billion dollars.  Question 9:- In which city of United Arab Emirates, 'World Para Athletics Grand Prix' has been organized recently?  Answer:- Dubai.    Question 10: - Which is the hottest place on earth?  Answer:- Kuwait (record 53.2 degree Celsius).       Question 11:- Who has approved the bill for the integration of three municipal corporations of Delhi?  Answer:- Union Cabinet.    Question 12:- The government of which country has confiscated the assets of Vijay Mallya, Mehul Choksi and Nirav Modi worth Rs 19,111 crore?  Answer:- Indian Government.    Question 13:- How many women have been honored by NITI Aayog in the 5th Women Transforming India Awards?  Answer:- 75 women.    Question 14:- Narsingpettai Nagaswaram of which state has got the Geographical Identity Tag?  Answer:- Tamil Nadu.    Question 15:- Which union minister has launched the Sujalam 2.0 campaign?  Answer:- Union Jal Shakti Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat ji.    Question 16: - In which script has the Indian Constitution been translated for the first time?  Answer:- In Ol Chiki script.    Question 17:- Who has become the first African to win the Pritzker Prize 2022?  Answer:- Francis Carey.    Question 18:- In which country has the 2022 BNP Paribas Open Tennis Tournament been organized recently?  Answer:- In America.    Question 19:- With which North-Eastern country has Germany signed an energy agreement to reduce dependence on Russia?  Answer:- With the country of Qatar.    Question 20:- Who has become the first para athlete to be awarded Padma Bhushan?  Answer:- Devendra Jhajharia.    Question 21:- Which bank has recently announced the launch of “SmartHub Business Program” and “Autofirst” app?  Answer: - HDFC Bank.    Question 22:- In which city the Ministry of Civil Aviation will organize 'Wings India 2022' from March 24 to 27, 2022?  Answer :- In Hyderabad.    Question 23:- Which Indian-origin doctor has recently been appointed as the new coordinator of the COVID-19 response to the White House?  Answer:- Ashish Jha.    Question 24:- N Biren Singh has recently taken oath as the Chief Minister of which state for the second term?  Answer:- Manipur.    Question 25:- Which Union Minister has launched the policy “India and the Arctic: building a partnership for sustainable development”?  Answer:- Union Minister of Earth Sciences Jitendra Singh ji.    Question 26:- Which one has made Common Entrance Test mandatory for all Central Universities?  Answer:- UGC.    Question 27:- Who has recently rolled out “UPI Lite – On-Device Wallet” functionality?  Answer:- National Payments Corporation of India.    Question 28:- Whose government has decided to merge with Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) by the end of this financial year?  Answer:- BBNL.    Question 29:- Which Indian has been appointed to the United Nations Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism?  Answer:- Jayati Ghosh.    Question 30:- Who has won the title of Formula One Bahrain Grand Prix 2022 at the Bahrain International Circuit?  Answer:- Charles Leclerc.

Current Affairs

Date :- 24/ March (03) /2022
#DCA_Dose 83__

Question 1:- Fitch Ratings has reduced India's GDP growth forecast for FY23 to what percent?
Answer :- 8.5%.

Question 2:- Which assembly has passed the anti-conversion bill “Haryana Prevention of Unlawful Conversions Bill, 2022”?
Answer:- Haryana Vidhan Sabha.

Question 3:- Which Indian digital payments company has 'Acquired Freelance Entrepreneur Network GigIndia'?
Answer :- Phonepe.

Question 4:- Which country's armies are participating in the third edition of joint exercise 'Dastlik'?
Answer:- Armies of India and Uzbekistan.

Question 5:- Which day is celebrated all over the world on 24 March 2022?
Answer:- World TB Day.

Question 6:- What is the rank achieved by India's Lakshya Sen in the '2022 All England Open Badminton Championship'?
Answer: Second.

Question 7:- According to the World Air Quality Report, the capital of which country is continuously
 Ranked the world's most polluted capital city for the second year?
Answer:- New Delhi, the capital of India.

Question 8:- India has achieved the target of exporting goods worth how many billion dollars for the first time?
Answer: - 400 billion dollars.
Question 9:- In which city of United Arab Emirates, 'World Para Athletics Grand Prix' has been organized recently?
Answer:- Dubai.

Question 10: - Which is the hottest place on earth?
Answer:- Kuwait (record 53.2 degree Celsius).

Question 11:- Who has approved the bill for the integration of three municipal corporations of Delhi?
Answer:- Union Cabinet.

Question 12:- The government of which country has confiscated the assets of Vijay Mallya, Mehul Choksi and Nirav Modi worth Rs 19,111 crore?
Answer:- Indian Government.

Question 13:- How many women have been honored by NITI Aayog in the 5th Women Transforming India Awards?
Answer:- 75 women.

Question 14:- Narsingpettai Nagaswaram of which state has got the Geographical Identity Tag?
Answer:- Tamil Nadu.

Question 15:- Which union minister has launched the Sujalam 2.0 campaign?
Answer:- Union Jal Shakti Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat ji.

Question 16: - In which script has the Indian Constitution been translated for the first time?
Answer:- In Ol Chiki script.

Question 17:- Who has become the first African to win the Pritzker Prize 2022?
Answer:- Francis Carey.

Question 18:- In which country has the 2022 BNP Paribas Open Tennis Tournament been organized recently?
Answer:- In America.

Question 19:- With which North-Eastern country has Germany signed an energy agreement to reduce dependence on Russia?
Answer:- With the country of Qatar.

Question 20:- Who has become the first para athlete to be awarded Padma Bhushan?
Answer:- Devendra Jhajharia.

Question 21:- Which bank has recently announced the launch of “SmartHub Business Program” and “Autofirst” app?
Answer: - HDFC Bank.

Question 22:- In which city the Ministry of Civil Aviation will organize 'Wings India 2022' from March 24 to 27, 2022?
Answer :- In Hyderabad.

Question 23:- Which Indian-origin doctor has recently been appointed as the new coordinator of the COVID-19 response to the White House?
Answer:- Ashish Jha.

Question 24:- N Biren Singh has recently taken oath as the Chief Minister of which state for the second term?
Answer:- Manipur.

Question 25:- Which Union Minister has launched the policy “India and the Arctic: building a partnership for sustainable development”?
Answer:- Union Minister of Earth Sciences Jitendra Singh ji.

Question 26:- Which one has made Common Entrance Test mandatory for all Central Universities?
Answer:- UGC.

Question 27:- Who has recently rolled out “UPI Lite – On-Device Wallet” functionality?
Answer:- National Payments Corporation of India.

Question 28:- Whose government has decided to merge with Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) by the end of this financial year?
Answer:- BBNL.

Question 29:- Which Indian has been appointed to the United Nations Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism?
Answer:- Jayati Ghosh.

Question 30:- Who has won the title of Formula One Bahrain Grand Prix 2022 at the Bahrain International Circuit?
Answer:- Charles Leclerc.

एक टिप्पणी भेजें

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