ORNITHOLOGY : The study of birds (One Word Substitution )

 ✍One Word Substitution Beginning with ( N )and ( O )

🔰 N 🔰

●NAUSEA : Strong feeling of wanting to vomit.

●NAIVE: Having a very simple nature.

●NARCOTICS: An addictive drug.

●NATURALISM: Attachment to what is natural

●NEOGAMIST : Newly married.

●NAUTICAL : Of sailors, ships or sailing.

●NEMESIS : Downfall that satisfies natural justice.

●NEOLOGISM : A new word.

●NEPOTISM : Undue favour shown by a person in power to his relatives.

●NICHE : A hollow place in wall

●NOTARY : A public official who makes written statements official.

●NOTORIOUS : Having a bad reputation.

●NUANCE : Very slight differences.

●NUMISMATICS : One who collects coins.

●NURSERY : A place where plants are grown and kept.

✍One Word Substitution Beginning with ( N )and ( O )   🔰 N 🔰    ●NAUSEA : Strong feeling of wanting to vomit.    ●NAIVE: Having a very simple nature.    ●NARCOTICS: An addictive drug.    ●NATURALISM: Attachment to what is natural    ●NEOGAMIST : Newly married.    ●NAUTICAL : Of sailors, ships or sailing.    ●NEMESIS : Downfall that satisfies natural justice.    ●NEOLOGISM : A new word.    ●NEPOTISM : Undue favour shown by a person in power to his relatives.    ●NICHE : A hollow place in wall    ●NOTARY : A public official who makes written statements official.    ●NOTORIOUS : Having a bad reputation.    ●NUANCE : Very slight differences.    ●NUMISMATICS : One who collects coins.    ●NURSERY : A place where plants are grown and kept.    🔰 O 🔰    ●OCTAGON: A plane figure with eight sides and angle    ●OBSCURANTIST: Person who is opposed to enlightment.    ●OBSEQUIES : Funeral rites.    ●OBSOLETE: That which is no longer in use.    ●OBITUARY : Notice of a person’s death in a newspaper.    ●OBLIGATORY : That which is required to be done by law.    ●OBSOLETE : That which is out of use, or replaced by a newer model.    ●OLIGARCHY : A government by a small group of powerful persons    ●OMNIFORM: Having every form of shape.    ●OMNIGENOUS :  Comprising all kinds.    ●OMNIFORM: Having every form and shape.    ●OMNIPOTENT : One who is all powerful.    ●OMNISCIENT : One who knows everything.    ●OMNIVOROUS : One who eats anything.    ●OPAQUE : That which cannot be seen through.    ●OPTIMIST : A person who looks to the bright side of things.    ●ORATOR : A good speaker.    ●ORCHARD : A fruit garden    ●ORPHAN : A child whose parents are dead.    ●OPTHALMOLOGIST : An eye-doctor.    ●OPTOMETRIST : A technician who measures your eyesight.    ●ORCHARD : A place where fruit trees are grown    ●OPTIMIST : One who looks on the bright side of things.    ●OMNISCIENT : One who knows everything    ●OMNIPRESENT : One who is present everywhere    ●OCULIST : One who attends to the diseases of the eye    ●ORNITHOLOGY : The study of birds    ●OBITUARY : An account, in the newspaper, of the funeral of one deceased    ●OVIPAROUS : Bearing eggs and not young ones..    ●OSTLER : One who attends to horses at an inn    ●OPTICIAN : One who makes or sells eye-glasses    ●OOLOGY : The study of eggs    ●OCCIDENTAL : Belonging to the west    ●OSTRACIZE : Expel from society

🔰 O 🔰

●OCTAGON: A plane figure with eight sides and angle

●OBSCURANTIST: Person who is opposed to enlightment.

●OBSEQUIES : Funeral rites.

●OBSOLETE: That which is no longer in use.

●OBITUARY : Notice of a person’s death in a newspaper.

●OBLIGATORY : That which is required to be done by law.

●OBSOLETE : That which is out of use, or replaced by a newer model.

●OLIGARCHY : A government by a small group of powerful persons

●OMNIFORM: Having every form of shape.

●OMNIGENOUS :  Comprising all kinds.

●OMNIFORM: Having every form and shape.

●OMNIPOTENT : One who is all powerful.

●OMNISCIENT : One who knows everything.

●OMNIVOROUS : One who eats anything.

●OPAQUE : That which cannot be seen through.

●OPTIMIST : A person who looks to the bright side of things.

●ORATOR : A good speaker.

●ORCHARD : A fruit garden

●ORPHAN : A child whose parents are dead.

●OPTHALMOLOGIST : An eye-doctor.

●OPTOMETRIST : A technician who measures your eyesight.

●ORCHARD : A place where fruit trees are grown

●OPTIMIST : One who looks on the bright side of things.

●OMNISCIENT : One who knows everything

●OMNIPRESENT : One who is present everywhere

●OCULIST : One who attends to the diseases of the eye

●ORNITHOLOGY : The study of birds

●OBITUARY : An account, in the newspaper, of the funeral of one deceased

●OVIPAROUS : Bearing eggs and not young ones..

●OSTLER : One who attends to horses at an inn

●OPTICIAN : One who makes or sells eye-glasses

●OOLOGY : The study of eggs

●OCCIDENTAL : Belonging to the west

●OSTRACIZE : Expel from society

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