Most Important Computer Questions ️--कंप्यूटर भाषा FORTRAN किस क्षेत्र में उपयोगी है?

 ❇️50 Most Important Computer Questions ❇️

1. कंप्यूटर में काम करने के लिए किस सॉफ्टवेयर का प्रयोग किया जाता है?

उत्तर. एप्लिकेशन

2. प्रोग्राम हेतु विकसित की गई सर्वप्रथम भाषा

उत्तर. फोरट्रॉन

3. C, BASIC, COBOL और JAVA जिस भाषा के उदाहरण हैं, उसे कहते हैं?

उत्तर. हाई – लेवल

4. कंप्यूटर भाषा FORTRAN किस क्षेत्र में उपयोगी है?

उत्तर. विज्ञान

5. डीवीडी उदाहरण है?

उत्तर. ऑप्टिकल डिस्क

6. टेलीप्रोसेसिंग तथा टाइमशेयरिंग का प्रयोग किस पीढ़ी के कंप्यूटर में हुआ?

उत्तर. तृतीय पीढ़ी

7. पहले से ऑन कंप्यूटर को रीस्टार्ट करने को क्या कहते हैं?

उत्तर. वार्म बूटिंग

8. इंटरनेट में प्रयुक्त कंप्यूटर लैंग्वेज है?

उत्तर. जावा

9. CRAY क्या है?

उत्तर. सुपर कंप्यूटर

10. कंप्यूटर में अनवरत विद्युत आपूर्ति का संक्षिप्त रूप क्या है?

उत्तर. यू . पी . एस .

11. फाइल एक्सटेंशन किसलिए इस्तेमाल होते हैं?

उत्तर. फाइल टाइप को आइडेंटिफाई करने के लिए

12. की बोर्ड में ‘फक्शन-की’ की संख्या कितनी होती है?

उत्तर. 12

13.कंप्यूटर कितने प्रकार के होते हैं?

️50 Most Important Computer Questions ️   1. Which software is used to work in the computer?   answer.  app   2. First language developed to program   answer.  fortron   3. C, BASIC, COBOL and JAVA are examples of which language is called?   answer.  high level   4. In which field is the computer language FORTRAN useful?   answer.  Science   5. DVD example?   answer.  Optical Disk   6. Teleprocessing and timesharing were used in which generation of computers?   answer.  third generation   7. Restarting an already on computer is called?   answer.  warm booting   8. The computer language used in the Internet is?   answer.  Java   9. What is CRAY?   answer.  super computer   10. What is the short form of continuous power supply in computer?   answer.  You .  P .  s .   11. What are file extensions used for?   answer.  To identify the file type   12. How many 'function-keys' are there in the key board?   answer.  12   13. How many types of computers are there?   answer.  two types   14. Microprocessor is which generation computer?   answer.  IV   15. The code consisting of lines of different length and width read from the computer is called?   answer.  bar code   16. The common name of modulator-de-modulator is?   answer.  modem   17. Is Excel Workbook Collection?   answer.  of worksheet   18. Oracle is?   answer.  database software   19. Pascal is?   answer.  a computer language   20. The point at which data enters or exits the computer?   answer.  terminal   21. What types of storage devices are used in cell phones?   answer.  flash   22. Soft copy is an output, so what is hard copy?   answer.  printed output   23. E.D.P.  What is?   answer.  electronic data processing   24. The words which the programming language has set aside for its own use?   answer.  reserved words   25. A group of interrelated records is called?   answer.  database   26. What is the process of dividing a disk into tracks and sectors?   answer.  formatting   27. The world's first computer network is considered to be?   answer.  ARPANET   28. What resides in the motherboard that connects the CPU to other parts on the motherboard?   answer.  system bus   29. The operating system called Unix is ​​specially used for?   answer.  in web servers   30. The extension of Excel spreadsheet is   answer.  .xls   31. RAM is volatile memory because   answer.  It requires continuous power supply to retain data.   32. What are the two parts of an e-mail address?   answer.  Username and domain name   33. Which printer prints one letter in one stroke?   answer.  stopper matrix printer   34. If your computer keeps rebooting itself then chances are that?   answer.  it has viruses   35. What is the name of that network topology?  in which each possible node has bidirectional links?   answer.  mesh   36. First language developed to program   answer.  fortron   37. What is the default file extension of word document?   answer.  DOC   38. The first computer virus to appear in India is?   answer.  c-brain   39. The circuit board which contains CPU and other chips is called?   answer.  Motherboard   40. Junk e-mail is called?   answer.  Spam   41. The word CAD is related to what in computer?   answer.  by design   42. A.L.U.  What is the full name of?   answer.  Arithmetic Logic Unit   43. What is Google?   answer.  search engine   44. The language which a computer understands without a translation program is called?   answer.  machine language   45. Point and draw device is called?   answer.  to mouse   46. ​​Linux is an example?   answer.  of open source software   47. Trackball is an example of   answer.  pointing device   48. Thin plate or board having electronic components is called   answer.  Circuit board   49. Which printer prints letters by stroke?   answer.  stopper matrix printer   50. Which software controls the computer hardware?   answer.  system

उत्तर. दो प्रकार के

14. माइक्रोप्रोसेसर किस पीढ़ी का कंप्यूटर है?

उत्तर. चतुर्थ

15. कंप्यूटर से पढ़े जाने वाले अलग-अलग लंबाई-चौड़ाई की लाइनों वाले कोड को कहते हैं?

उत्तर. बार कोड

16. मॉड्यूलेटर-डी-मॉड्यूलेटर का सामान्य नाम है?

उत्तर. मोडेम

17. एक्सेल वर्कबुक संग्रह है?

उत्तर. वर्कशीट का

18. ओरेकल है?

उत्तर. डाटाबेस सॉफ्टवेयर

19. पास्कल है?

उत्तर. कंप्यूटर की एक भाषा

20. वह बिंदु जिस पर डाटा कंप्यूटर में प्रवेश करता है या निकलता है?

उत्तर. टर्मिनल

21. सेल फोनों में किस प्रकार के स्टोरेज डिवाइसों का उपयोग किया जाता है?

उत्तर. फ्लैश

22. सॉफ्ट कॉपी एक आउटपुट है, तो हार्ड कॉपी क्या है?

उत्तर. प्रिंटेड आउटपुट

23. E.D.P. क्या है?

उत्तर. इलेक्ट्रॉनिक डेटा प्रोसेसिंग

24. वे वड्र्स जिन्हें प्रोग्रामिंग लैंग्वेज ने अपने स्वंय के उपयोग हेतु अलग रखा है?

उत्तर. रिजर्वड वड्र्स

25. परस्पर संबंधित रिकॉर्ड के समूह को कहते हैं?

उत्तर. डाटाबेस

26. डिस्क को ट्रैकों और सेक्टरों में विभाजित करने की प्रक्रिया क्या है?

उत्तर. फार्मेटिंग

27. विश्व का प्रथम कंप्यूटर नेटवर्क माना जाता है?

उत्तर. ARPANET

28. मदरबोर्ड में क्या रहता है जो मदरबोर्ड पर सीपीयू को दूसरे पुर्जों से जोड़ता है?

उत्तर. सिस्टम बस

29. यूनिक्स नामक ऑपरेटिंग प्रणाली विशेष रूप में प्रयोग में लाई जाती है?

उत्तर. वेब सर्वर्स में

30. एक्सेल स्प्रेडशीट का एक्स्टेंशन है

उत्तर. .Xls

31. रैम वोलाटाइल मेमोरी है क्योंकि

उत्तर. डाटा रिटेन करने के लिए इसे सतत पावर सप्लाई की जरूरत होती है

32. ई-मेल पते के दो भाग कौन-से होते हैं?

उत्तर. प्रयोक्ता का नाम और डोमेन नाम

33. किस प्रिंटर द्वारा एक स्ट्रोक में एक अक्षर प्रिंट होता है?

उत्तर. डाट मैट्रिक्स प्रिंटर

34. यदि आपका कंप्यूटर खुद को रीबूट करता रहता हैं तो संभावना है कि?

उत्तर. इसमें वायरस हैं

35. उस नेटवर्क टोपोलॉजी का क्या नाम है? जिसमें प्रत्येक संभावित नोड में द्विदिशीय कड़ियां हैं?

उत्तर. मेश

❇️50 Most Important Computer Questions ❇️   1. कंप्यूटर में काम करने के लिए किस सॉफ्टवेयर का प्रयोग किया जाता है?    उत्तर. एप्लिकेशन    2. प्रोग्राम हेतु विकसित की गई सर्वप्रथम भाषा    उत्तर. फोरट्रॉन    3. C, BASIC, COBOL और JAVA जिस भाषा के उदाहरण हैं, उसे कहते हैं?    उत्तर. हाई – लेवल    4. कंप्यूटर भाषा FORTRAN किस क्षेत्र में उपयोगी है?    उत्तर. विज्ञान    5. डीवीडी उदाहरण है?    उत्तर. ऑप्टिकल डिस्क    6. टेलीप्रोसेसिंग तथा टाइमशेयरिंग का प्रयोग किस पीढ़ी के कंप्यूटर में हुआ?    उत्तर. तृतीय पीढ़ी    7. पहले से ऑन कंप्यूटर को रीस्टार्ट करने को क्या कहते हैं?    उत्तर. वार्म बूटिंग    8. इंटरनेट में प्रयुक्त कंप्यूटर लैंग्वेज है?    उत्तर. जावा    9. CRAY क्या है?    उत्तर. सुपर कंप्यूटर    10. कंप्यूटर में अनवरत विद्युत आपूर्ति का संक्षिप्त रूप क्या है?    उत्तर. यू . पी . एस .    11. फाइल एक्सटेंशन किसलिए इस्तेमाल होते हैं?    उत्तर. फाइल टाइप को आइडेंटिफाई करने के लिए    12. की बोर्ड में ‘फक्शन-की’ की संख्या कितनी होती है?    उत्तर. 12    13.कंप्यूटर कितने प्रकार के होते हैं? ️50 Most Important Computer Questions ️   1. Which software is used to work in the computer?   answer.  app   2. First language developed to program   answer.  fortron   3. C, BASIC, COBOL and JAVA are examples of which language is called?   answer.  high level   4. In which field is the computer language FORTRAN useful?   answer.  Science   5. DVD example?   answer.  Optical Disk   6. Teleprocessing and timesharing were used in which generation of computers?   answer.  third generation   7. Restarting an already on computer is called?   answer.  warm booting   8. The computer language used in the Internet is?   answer.  Java   9. What is CRAY?   answer.  super computer   10. What is the short form of continuous power supply in computer?   answer.  You .  P .  s .   11. What are file extensions used for?   answer.  To identify the file type   12. How many 'function-keys' are there in the key board?   answer.  12   13. How many types of computers are there?   answer.  two types   14. Microprocessor is which generation computer?   answer.  IV   15. The code consisting of lines of different length and width read from the computer is called?   answer.  bar code   16. The common name of modulator-de-modulator is?   answer.  modem   17. Is Excel Workbook Collection?   answer.  of worksheet   18. Oracle is?   answer.  database software   19. Pascal is?   answer.  a computer language   20. The point at which data enters or exits the computer?   answer.  terminal   21. What types of storage devices are used in cell phones?   answer.  flash   22. Soft copy is an output, so what is hard copy?   answer.  printed output   23. E.D.P.  What is?   answer.  electronic data processing   24. The words which the programming language has set aside for its own use?   answer.  reserved words   25. A group of interrelated records is called?   answer.  database   26. What is the process of dividing a disk into tracks and sectors?   answer.  formatting   27. The world's first computer network is considered to be?   answer.  ARPANET   28. What resides in the motherboard that connects the CPU to other parts on the motherboard?   answer.  system bus   29. The operating system called Unix is ​​specially used for?   answer.  in web servers   30. The extension of Excel spreadsheet is   answer.  .xls   31. RAM is volatile memory because   answer.  It requires continuous power supply to retain data.   32. What are the two parts of an e-mail address?   answer.  Username and domain name   33. Which printer prints one letter in one stroke?   answer.  stopper matrix printer   34. If your computer keeps rebooting itself then chances are that?   answer.  it has viruses   35. What is the name of that network topology?  in which each possible node has bidirectional links?   answer.  mesh   36. First language developed to program   answer.  fortron   37. What is the default file extension of word document?   answer.  DOC   38. The first computer virus to appear in India is?   answer.  c-brain   39. The circuit board which contains CPU and other chips is called?   answer.  Motherboard   40. Junk e-mail is called?   answer.  Spam   41. The word CAD is related to what in computer?   answer.  by design   42. A.L.U.  What is the full name of?   answer.  Arithmetic Logic Unit   43. What is Google?   answer.  search engine   44. The language which a computer understands without a translation program is called?   answer.  machine language   45. Point and draw device is called?   answer.  to mouse   46. ​​Linux is an example?   answer.  of open source software   47. Trackball is an example of   answer.  pointing device   48. Thin plate or board having electronic components is called   answer.  Circuit board   49. Which printer prints letters by stroke?   answer.  stopper matrix printer   50. Which software controls the computer hardware?   answer.  system    उत्तर. दो प्रकार के    14. माइक्रोप्रोसेसर किस पीढ़ी का कंप्यूटर है?    उत्तर. चतुर्थ    15. कंप्यूटर से पढ़े जाने वाले अलग-अलग लंबाई-चौड़ाई की लाइनों वाले कोड को कहते हैं?    उत्तर. बार कोड    16. मॉड्यूलेटर-डी-मॉड्यूलेटर का सामान्य नाम है?    उत्तर. मोडेम    17. एक्सेल वर्कबुक संग्रह है?    उत्तर. वर्कशीट का    18. ओरेकल है?    उत्तर. डाटाबेस सॉफ्टवेयर    19. पास्कल है?    उत्तर. कंप्यूटर की एक भाषा    20. वह बिंदु जिस पर डाटा कंप्यूटर में प्रवेश करता है या निकलता है?    उत्तर. टर्मिनल    21. सेल फोनों में किस प्रकार के स्टोरेज डिवाइसों का उपयोग किया जाता है?    उत्तर. फ्लैश    22. सॉफ्ट कॉपी एक आउटपुट है, तो हार्ड कॉपी क्या है?    उत्तर. प्रिंटेड आउटपुट    23. E.D.P. क्या है?    उत्तर. इलेक्ट्रॉनिक डेटा प्रोसेसिंग    24. वे वड्र्स जिन्हें प्रोग्रामिंग लैंग्वेज ने अपने स्वंय के उपयोग हेतु अलग रखा है?    उत्तर. रिजर्वड वड्र्स    25. परस्पर संबंधित रिकॉर्ड के समूह को कहते हैं?    उत्तर. डाटाबेस    26. डिस्क को ट्रैकों और सेक्टरों में विभाजित करने की प्रक्रिया क्या है?    उत्तर. फार्मेटिंग    27. विश्व का प्रथम कंप्यूटर नेटवर्क माना जाता है?    उत्तर. ARPANET    28. मदरबोर्ड में क्या रहता है जो मदरबोर्ड पर सीपीयू को दूसरे पुर्जों से जोड़ता है?    उत्तर. सिस्टम बस    29. यूनिक्स नामक ऑपरेटिंग प्रणाली विशेष रूप में प्रयोग में लाई जाती है?    उत्तर. वेब सर्वर्स में    30. एक्सेल स्प्रेडशीट का एक्स्टेंशन है    उत्तर. .Xls    31. रैम वोलाटाइल मेमोरी है क्योंकि    उत्तर. डाटा रिटेन करने के लिए इसे सतत पावर सप्लाई की जरूरत होती है    32. ई-मेल पते के दो भाग कौन-से होते हैं?    उत्तर. प्रयोक्ता का नाम और डोमेन नाम    33. किस प्रिंटर द्वारा एक स्ट्रोक में एक अक्षर प्रिंट होता है?    उत्तर. डाट मैट्रिक्स प्रिंटर    34. यदि आपका कंप्यूटर खुद को रीबूट करता रहता हैं तो संभावना है कि?    उत्तर. इसमें वायरस हैं    35. उस नेटवर्क टोपोलॉजी का क्या नाम है? जिसमें प्रत्येक संभावित नोड में द्विदिशीय कड़ियां हैं?    उत्तर. मेश    36. प्रोग्राम हेतु विकसित की गई सर्वप्रथम भाषा    उत्तर. फोरट्रॉन    37. वर्ड डाक्यूमेंट का डिफाल्ट फाइल एक्सटेंशन क्या है?    उत्तर. DOC    38. भारत में सर्वप्रथम दिखाई देने वाला कंप्यूटर वाइरस है?    उत्तर. सी- ब्रेन    39. वह सर्किट बोर्ड जिसमें सीपीयू और अन्य चिप होते हैं, उसे कहा जाता है?    उत्तर. मदरबोर्ड    40. जंक ई-मेल को कहते हैं?    उत्तर. स्पैम    41. कैड शब्द का संबंध कंप्यूटर में किससे हैं?    उत्तर. डिजाइन से    42. A.L.U. का पूरा नाम होता है?    उत्तर. Arithmetic Logic Unit    43. गूगल क्या है?    उत्तर. सर्च इंजन    44. भाषा जिसे कंप्यूटर बिना ट्रांसलेशन प्रोग्राम के समझता है, कहलाती है?    उत्तर. मशीनी भाषा    45. प्वाइंट एंड ड्रॉ डिवाइस कहा जाता है?    उत्तर. माउस को    46. लिनक्स एक उदाहरण है?    उत्तर. ओपन सोर्स सॉफ्टवेयर का    47. ट्रैकबॉल किसका उदाहरण है?    उत्तर. प्वाइंटिंग डिवाइस    48. इलेक्ट्रॉनिक कंपोनेन्ट वाले थिन प्लेट या बोर्ड को कहते हैं    उत्तर. सर्किट बोर्ड    49. किस प्रिंटर द्वारा स्ट्रोक से अक्षर प्रिंट होता है?    उत्तर. डाट मैट्रिक्स प्रिंटर    50. कौन-सा सॉफ्टवेयर कंप्यूटर के हार्डवयेर को नियंत्रित करता है?    उत्तर. सिस्टम  ️50 Most Important Computer Questions ️   1. Which software is used to work in the computer?   answer.  app   2. First language developed to program   answer.  fortron   3. C, BASIC, COBOL and JAVA are examples of which language is called?   answer.  high level   4. In which field is the computer language FORTRAN useful?   answer.  Science   5. DVD example?   answer.  Optical Disk   6. Teleprocessing and timesharing were used in which generation of computers?   answer.  third generation   7. Restarting an already on computer is called?   answer.  warm booting   8. The computer language used in the Internet is?   answer.  Java   9. What is CRAY?   answer.  super computer   10. What is the short form of continuous power supply in computer?   answer.  You .  P .  s .   11. What are file extensions used for?   answer.  To identify the file type   12. How many 'function-keys' are there in the key board?   answer.  12   13. How many types of computers are there?   answer.  two types   14. Microprocessor is which generation computer?   answer.  IV   15. The code consisting of lines of different length and width read from the computer is called?   answer.  bar code   16. The common name of modulator-de-modulator is?   answer.  modem   17. Is Excel Workbook Collection?   answer.  of worksheet   18. Oracle is?   answer.  database software   19. Pascal is?   answer.  a computer language   20. The point at which data enters or exits the computer?   answer.  terminal   21. What types of storage devices are used in cell phones?   answer.  flash   22. Soft copy is an output, so what is hard copy?   answer.  printed output   23. E.D.P.  What is?   answer.  electronic data processing   24. The words which the programming language has set aside for its own use?   answer.  reserved words   25. A group of interrelated records is called?   answer.  database   26. What is the process of dividing a disk into tracks and sectors?   answer.  formatting   27. The world's first computer network is considered to be?   answer.  ARPANET   28. What resides in the motherboard that connects the CPU to other parts on the motherboard?   answer.  system bus   29. The operating system called Unix is ​​specially used for?   answer.  in web servers   30. The extension of Excel spreadsheet is   answer.  .xls   31. RAM is volatile memory because   answer.  It requires continuous power supply to retain data.   32. What are the two parts of an e-mail address?   answer.  Username and domain name   33. Which printer prints one letter in one stroke?   answer.  stopper matrix printer   34. If your computer keeps rebooting itself then chances are that?   answer.  it has viruses   35. What is the name of that network topology?  in which each possible node has bidirectional links?   answer.  mesh   36. First language developed to program   answer.  fortron   37. What is the default file extension of word document?   answer.  DOC   38. The first computer virus to appear in India is?   answer.  c-brain   39. The circuit board which contains CPU and other chips is called?   answer.  Motherboard   40. Junk e-mail is called?   answer.  Spam   41. The word CAD is related to what in computer?   answer.  by design   42. A.L.U.  What is the full name of?   answer.  Arithmetic Logic Unit   43. What is Google?   answer.  search engine   44. The language which a computer understands without a translation program is called?   answer.  machine language   45. Point and draw device is called?   answer.  to mouse   46. ​​Linux is an example?   answer.  of open source software   47. Trackball is an example of   answer.  pointing device   48. Thin plate or board having electronic components is called   answer.  Circuit board   49. Which printer prints letters by stroke?   answer.  stopper matrix printer   50. Which software controls the computer hardware?   answer.  system    ️50 Most Important Computer Questions ️    1. Which software is used to work in the computer?     answer.  app     2. First language developed to program     answer.  fortron     3. C, BASIC, COBOL and JAVA are examples of which language is called?     answer.  high level     4. In which field is the computer language FORTRAN useful?     answer.  Science     5. DVD example?     answer.  Optical Disk     6. Teleprocessing and timesharing were used in which generation of computers?     answer.  third generation     7. Restarting an already on computer is called?     answer.  warm booting     8. The computer language used in the Internet is?     answer.  Java     9. What is CRAY?     answer.  super computer     10. What is the short form of continuous power supply in computer?     answer.  You .  P .  s .     11. What are file extensions used for?     answer.  To identify the file type     12. How many 'function-keys' are there in the key board?     answer.  12     13. How many types of computers are there?     answer.  two types     14. Microprocessor is which generation computer?     answer.  IV     15. The code consisting of lines of different length and width read from the computer is called?     answer.  bar code     16. The common name of modulator-de-modulator is?     answer.  modem     17. Is Excel Workbook Collection?     answer.  of worksheet     18. Oracle is?     answer.  database software     19. Pascal is?     answer.  a computer language     20. The point at which data enters or exits the computer?     answer.  terminal     21. What types of storage devices are used in cell phones?     answer.  flash     22. Soft copy is an output, so what is hard copy?     answer.  printed output     23. E.D.P.  What is?     answer.  electronic data processing     24. The words which the programming language has set aside for its own use?     answer.  reserved words     25. A group of interrelated records is called?     answer.  database     26. What is the process of dividing a disk into tracks and sectors?     answer.  formatting     27. The world's first computer network is considered to be?     answer.  ARPANET     28. What resides in the motherboard that connects the CPU to other parts on the motherboard?     answer.  system bus     29. The operating system called Unix is ​​specially used for?     answer.  in web servers     30. The extension of Excel spreadsheet is     answer.  .xls     31. RAM is volatile memory because     answer.  It requires continuous power supply to retain data.     32. What are the two parts of an e-mail address?     answer.  Username and domain name     33. Which printer prints one letter in one stroke?     answer.  stopper matrix printer     34. If your computer keeps rebooting itself then chances are that?     answer.  it has viruses     35. What is the name of that network topology?  in which each possible node has bidirectional links?     answer.  mesh     36. First language developed to program     answer.  fortron     37. What is the default file extension of word document?     answer.  DOC     38. The first computer virus to appear in India is?     answer.  c-brain     39. The circuit board which contains CPU and other chips is called?     answer.  Motherboard     40. Junk e-mail is called?     answer.  Spam     41. The word CAD is related to what in computer?     answer.  by design     42. A.L.U.  What is the full name of?     answer.  Arithmetic Logic Unit     43. What is Google?     answer.  search engine     44. The language which a computer understands without a translation program is called?     answer.  machine language     45. Point and draw device is called?     answer.  to mouse     46. ​​Linux is an example?     answer.  of open source software     47. Trackball is an example of     answer.  pointing device     48. Thin plate or board having electronic components is called     answer.  Circuit board     49. Which printer prints letters by stroke?     answer.  stopper matrix printer     50. Which software controls the computer hardware?     answer.  system

36. प्रोग्राम हेतु विकसित की गई सर्वप्रथम भाषा

उत्तर. फोरट्रॉन

37. वर्ड डाक्यूमेंट का डिफाल्ट फाइल एक्सटेंशन क्या है?

उत्तर. DOC

38. भारत में सर्वप्रथम दिखाई देने वाला कंप्यूटर वाइरस है?

उत्तर. सी- ब्रेन

39. वह सर्किट बोर्ड जिसमें सीपीयू और अन्य चिप होते हैं, उसे कहा जाता है?

उत्तर. मदरबोर्ड

40. जंक ई-मेल को कहते हैं?

उत्तर. स्पैम

41. कैड शब्द का संबंध कंप्यूटर में किससे हैं?

उत्तर. डिजाइन से

42. A.L.U. का पूरा नाम होता है?

उत्तर. Arithmetic Logic Unit

43. गूगल क्या है?

उत्तर. सर्च इंजन

44. भाषा जिसे कंप्यूटर बिना ट्रांसलेशन प्रोग्राम के समझता है, कहलाती है?

उत्तर. मशीनी भाषा

45. प्वाइंट एंड ड्रॉ डिवाइस कहा जाता है?

उत्तर. माउस को

46. लिनक्स एक उदाहरण है?

उत्तर. ओपन सोर्स सॉफ्टवेयर का

47. ट्रैकबॉल किसका उदाहरण है?

उत्तर. प्वाइंटिंग डिवाइस

48. इलेक्ट्रॉनिक कंपोनेन्ट वाले थिन प्लेट या बोर्ड को कहते हैं

उत्तर. सर्किट बोर्ड

49. किस प्रिंटर द्वारा स्ट्रोक से अक्षर प्रिंट होता है?

उत्तर. डाट मैट्रिक्स प्रिंटर

50. कौन-सा सॉफ्टवेयर कंप्यूटर के हार्डवयेर को नियंत्रित करता है?

उत्तर. सिस्टम

️50 Most Important Computer Questions ️   1. Which software is used to work in the computer?   answer.  app   2. First language developed to program   answer.  fortron   3. C, BASIC, COBOL and JAVA are examples of which language is called?   answer.  high level   4. In which field is the computer language FORTRAN useful?   answer.  Science   5. DVD example?   answer.  Optical Disk   6. Teleprocessing and timesharing were used in which generation of computers?   answer.  third generation   7. Restarting an already on computer is called?   answer.  warm booting   8. The computer language used in the Internet is?   answer.  Java   9. What is CRAY?   answer.  super computer   10. What is the short form of continuous power supply in computer?   answer.  You .  P .  s .   11. What are file extensions used for?   answer.  To identify the file type   12. How many 'function-keys' are there in the key board?   answer.  12   13. How many types of computers are there?   answer.  two types   14. Microprocessor is which generation computer?   answer.  IV   15. The code consisting of lines of different length and width read from the computer is called?   answer.  bar code   16. The common name of modulator-de-modulator is?   answer.  modem   17. Is Excel Workbook Collection?   answer.  of worksheet   18. Oracle is?   answer.  database software   19. Pascal is?   answer.  a computer language   20. The point at which data enters or exits the computer?   answer.  terminal   21. What types of storage devices are used in cell phones?   answer.  flash   22. Soft copy is an output, so what is hard copy?   answer.  printed output   23. E.D.P.  What is?   answer.  electronic data processing   24. The words which the programming language has set aside for its own use?   answer.  reserved words   25. A group of interrelated records is called?   answer.  database   26. What is the process of dividing a disk into tracks and sectors?   answer.  formatting   27. The world's first computer network is considered to be?   answer.  ARPANET   28. What resides in the motherboard that connects the CPU to other parts on the motherboard?   answer.  system bus   29. The operating system called Unix is ​​specially used for?   answer.  in web servers   30. The extension of Excel spreadsheet is   answer.  .xls   31. RAM is volatile memory because   answer.  It requires continuous power supply to retain data.   32. What are the two parts of an e-mail address?   answer.  Username and domain name   33. Which printer prints one letter in one stroke?   answer.  stopper matrix printer   34. If your computer keeps rebooting itself then chances are that?   answer.  it has viruses   35. What is the name of that network topology?  in which each possible node has bidirectional links?   answer.  mesh   36. First language developed to program   answer.  fortron   37. What is the default file extension of word document?   answer.  DOC   38. The first computer virus to appear in India is?   answer.  c-brain   39. The circuit board which contains CPU and other chips is called?   answer.  Motherboard   40. Junk e-mail is called?   answer.  Spam   41. The word CAD is related to what in computer?   answer.  by design   42. A.L.U.  What is the full name of?   answer.  Arithmetic Logic Unit   43. What is Google?   answer.  search engine   44. The language which a computer understands without a translation program is called?   answer.  machine language   45. Point and draw device is called?   answer.  to mouse   46. ​​Linux is an example?   answer.  of open source software   47. Trackball is an example of   answer.  pointing device   48. Thin plate or board having electronic components is called   answer.  Circuit board   49. Which printer prints letters by stroke?   answer.  stopper matrix printer   50. Which software controls the computer hardware?   answer.  system

️50 Most Important Computer Questions ️

 1. Which software is used to work in the computer?

 answer.  app

 2. First language developed to program

 answer.  fortron

 3. C, BASIC, COBOL and JAVA are examples of which language is called?

 answer.  high level

 4. In which field is the computer language FORTRAN useful?

 answer.  Science

 5. DVD example?

 answer.  Optical Disk

 6. Teleprocessing and timesharing were used in which generation of computers?

 answer.  third generation

 7. Restarting an already on computer is called?

 answer.  warm booting

 8. The computer language used in the Internet is?

 answer.  Java

 9. What is CRAY?

 answer.  super computer

 10. What is the short form of continuous power supply in computer?

 answer.  You .  P .  s .

 11. What are file extensions used for?

 answer.  To identify the file type

 12. How many 'function-keys' are there in the key board?

 answer.  12

 13. How many types of computers are there?

 answer.  two types

 14. Microprocessor is which generation computer?

 answer.  IV

 15. The code consisting of lines of different length and width read from the computer is called?

 answer.  bar code

 16. The common name of modulator-de-modulator is?

 answer.  modem

 17. Is Excel Workbook Collection?

 answer.  of worksheet

 18. Oracle is?

 answer.  database software

 19. Pascal is?

 answer.  a computer language

❇️50 Most Important Computer Questions ❇️   1. कंप्यूटर में काम करने के लिए किस सॉफ्टवेयर का प्रयोग किया जाता है?    उत्तर. एप्लिकेशन    2. प्रोग्राम हेतु विकसित की गई सर्वप्रथम भाषा    उत्तर. फोरट्रॉन    3. C, BASIC, COBOL और JAVA जिस भाषा के उदाहरण हैं, उसे कहते हैं?    उत्तर. हाई – लेवल    4. कंप्यूटर भाषा FORTRAN किस क्षेत्र में उपयोगी है?    उत्तर. विज्ञान    5. डीवीडी उदाहरण है?    उत्तर. ऑप्टिकल डिस्क    6. टेलीप्रोसेसिंग तथा टाइमशेयरिंग का प्रयोग किस पीढ़ी के कंप्यूटर में हुआ?    उत्तर. तृतीय पीढ़ी    7. पहले से ऑन कंप्यूटर को रीस्टार्ट करने को क्या कहते हैं?    उत्तर. वार्म बूटिंग    8. इंटरनेट में प्रयुक्त कंप्यूटर लैंग्वेज है?    उत्तर. जावा    9. CRAY क्या है?    उत्तर. सुपर कंप्यूटर    10. कंप्यूटर में अनवरत विद्युत आपूर्ति का संक्षिप्त रूप क्या है?    उत्तर. यू . पी . एस .    11. फाइल एक्सटेंशन किसलिए इस्तेमाल होते हैं?    उत्तर. फाइल टाइप को आइडेंटिफाई करने के लिए    12. की बोर्ड में ‘फक्शन-की’ की संख्या कितनी होती है?    उत्तर. 12    13.कंप्यूटर कितने प्रकार के होते हैं? ️50 Most Important Computer Questions ️   1. Which software is used to work in the computer?   answer.  app   2. First language developed to program   answer.  fortron   3. C, BASIC, COBOL and JAVA are examples of which language is called?   answer.  high level   4. In which field is the computer language FORTRAN useful?   answer.  Science   5. DVD example?   answer.  Optical Disk   6. Teleprocessing and timesharing were used in which generation of computers?   answer.  third generation   7. Restarting an already on computer is called?   answer.  warm booting   8. The computer language used in the Internet is?   answer.  Java   9. What is CRAY?   answer.  super computer   10. What is the short form of continuous power supply in computer?   answer.  You .  P .  s .   11. What are file extensions used for?   answer.  To identify the file type   12. How many 'function-keys' are there in the key board?   answer.  12   13. How many types of computers are there?   answer.  two types   14. Microprocessor is which generation computer?   answer.  IV   15. The code consisting of lines of different length and width read from the computer is called?   answer.  bar code   16. The common name of modulator-de-modulator is?   answer.  modem   17. Is Excel Workbook Collection?   answer.  of worksheet   18. Oracle is?   answer.  database software   19. Pascal is?   answer.  a computer language   20. The point at which data enters or exits the computer?   answer.  terminal   21. What types of storage devices are used in cell phones?   answer.  flash   22. Soft copy is an output, so what is hard copy?   answer.  printed output   23. E.D.P.  What is?   answer.  electronic data processing   24. The words which the programming language has set aside for its own use?   answer.  reserved words   25. A group of interrelated records is called?   answer.  database   26. What is the process of dividing a disk into tracks and sectors?   answer.  formatting   27. The world's first computer network is considered to be?   answer.  ARPANET   28. What resides in the motherboard that connects the CPU to other parts on the motherboard?   answer.  system bus   29. The operating system called Unix is ​​specially used for?   answer.  in web servers   30. The extension of Excel spreadsheet is   answer.  .xls   31. RAM is volatile memory because   answer.  It requires continuous power supply to retain data.   32. What are the two parts of an e-mail address?   answer.  Username and domain name   33. Which printer prints one letter in one stroke?   answer.  stopper matrix printer   34. If your computer keeps rebooting itself then chances are that?   answer.  it has viruses   35. What is the name of that network topology?  in which each possible node has bidirectional links?   answer.  mesh   36. First language developed to program   answer.  fortron   37. What is the default file extension of word document?   answer.  DOC   38. The first computer virus to appear in India is?   answer.  c-brain   39. The circuit board which contains CPU and other chips is called?   answer.  Motherboard   40. Junk e-mail is called?   answer.  Spam   41. The word CAD is related to what in computer?   answer.  by design   42. A.L.U.  What is the full name of?   answer.  Arithmetic Logic Unit   43. What is Google?   answer.  search engine   44. The language which a computer understands without a translation program is called?   answer.  machine language   45. Point and draw device is called?   answer.  to mouse   46. ​​Linux is an example?   answer.  of open source software   47. Trackball is an example of   answer.  pointing device   48. Thin plate or board having electronic components is called   answer.  Circuit board   49. Which printer prints letters by stroke?   answer.  stopper matrix printer   50. Which software controls the computer hardware?   answer.  system    उत्तर. दो प्रकार के    14. माइक्रोप्रोसेसर किस पीढ़ी का कंप्यूटर है?    उत्तर. चतुर्थ    15. कंप्यूटर से पढ़े जाने वाले अलग-अलग लंबाई-चौड़ाई की लाइनों वाले कोड को कहते हैं?    उत्तर. बार कोड    16. मॉड्यूलेटर-डी-मॉड्यूलेटर का सामान्य नाम है?    उत्तर. मोडेम    17. एक्सेल वर्कबुक संग्रह है?    उत्तर. वर्कशीट का    18. ओरेकल है?    उत्तर. डाटाबेस सॉफ्टवेयर    19. पास्कल है?    उत्तर. कंप्यूटर की एक भाषा    20. वह बिंदु जिस पर डाटा कंप्यूटर में प्रवेश करता है या निकलता है?    उत्तर. टर्मिनल    21. सेल फोनों में किस प्रकार के स्टोरेज डिवाइसों का उपयोग किया जाता है?    उत्तर. फ्लैश    22. सॉफ्ट कॉपी एक आउटपुट है, तो हार्ड कॉपी क्या है?    उत्तर. प्रिंटेड आउटपुट    23. E.D.P. क्या है?    उत्तर. इलेक्ट्रॉनिक डेटा प्रोसेसिंग    24. वे वड्र्स जिन्हें प्रोग्रामिंग लैंग्वेज ने अपने स्वंय के उपयोग हेतु अलग रखा है?    उत्तर. रिजर्वड वड्र्स    25. परस्पर संबंधित रिकॉर्ड के समूह को कहते हैं?    उत्तर. डाटाबेस    26. डिस्क को ट्रैकों और सेक्टरों में विभाजित करने की प्रक्रिया क्या है?    उत्तर. फार्मेटिंग    27. विश्व का प्रथम कंप्यूटर नेटवर्क माना जाता है?    उत्तर. ARPANET    28. मदरबोर्ड में क्या रहता है जो मदरबोर्ड पर सीपीयू को दूसरे पुर्जों से जोड़ता है?    उत्तर. सिस्टम बस    29. यूनिक्स नामक ऑपरेटिंग प्रणाली विशेष रूप में प्रयोग में लाई जाती है?    उत्तर. वेब सर्वर्स में    30. एक्सेल स्प्रेडशीट का एक्स्टेंशन है    उत्तर. .Xls    31. रैम वोलाटाइल मेमोरी है क्योंकि    उत्तर. डाटा रिटेन करने के लिए इसे सतत पावर सप्लाई की जरूरत होती है    32. ई-मेल पते के दो भाग कौन-से होते हैं?    उत्तर. प्रयोक्ता का नाम और डोमेन नाम    33. किस प्रिंटर द्वारा एक स्ट्रोक में एक अक्षर प्रिंट होता है?    उत्तर. डाट मैट्रिक्स प्रिंटर    34. यदि आपका कंप्यूटर खुद को रीबूट करता रहता हैं तो संभावना है कि?    उत्तर. इसमें वायरस हैं    35. उस नेटवर्क टोपोलॉजी का क्या नाम है? जिसमें प्रत्येक संभावित नोड में द्विदिशीय कड़ियां हैं?    उत्तर. मेश    36. प्रोग्राम हेतु विकसित की गई सर्वप्रथम भाषा    उत्तर. फोरट्रॉन    37. वर्ड डाक्यूमेंट का डिफाल्ट फाइल एक्सटेंशन क्या है?    उत्तर. DOC    38. भारत में सर्वप्रथम दिखाई देने वाला कंप्यूटर वाइरस है?    उत्तर. सी- ब्रेन    39. वह सर्किट बोर्ड जिसमें सीपीयू और अन्य चिप होते हैं, उसे कहा जाता है?    उत्तर. मदरबोर्ड    40. जंक ई-मेल को कहते हैं?    उत्तर. स्पैम    41. कैड शब्द का संबंध कंप्यूटर में किससे हैं?    उत्तर. डिजाइन से    42. A.L.U. का पूरा नाम होता है?    उत्तर. Arithmetic Logic Unit    43. गूगल क्या है?    उत्तर. सर्च इंजन    44. भाषा जिसे कंप्यूटर बिना ट्रांसलेशन प्रोग्राम के समझता है, कहलाती है?    उत्तर. मशीनी भाषा    45. प्वाइंट एंड ड्रॉ डिवाइस कहा जाता है?    उत्तर. माउस को    46. लिनक्स एक उदाहरण है?    उत्तर. ओपन सोर्स सॉफ्टवेयर का    47. ट्रैकबॉल किसका उदाहरण है?    उत्तर. प्वाइंटिंग डिवाइस    48. इलेक्ट्रॉनिक कंपोनेन्ट वाले थिन प्लेट या बोर्ड को कहते हैं    उत्तर. सर्किट बोर्ड    49. किस प्रिंटर द्वारा स्ट्रोक से अक्षर प्रिंट होता है?    उत्तर. डाट मैट्रिक्स प्रिंटर    50. कौन-सा सॉफ्टवेयर कंप्यूटर के हार्डवयेर को नियंत्रित करता है?    उत्तर. सिस्टम  ️50 Most Important Computer Questions ️   1. Which software is used to work in the computer?   answer.  app   2. First language developed to program   answer.  fortron   3. C, BASIC, COBOL and JAVA are examples of which language is called?   answer.  high level   4. In which field is the computer language FORTRAN useful?   answer.  Science   5. DVD example?   answer.  Optical Disk   6. Teleprocessing and timesharing were used in which generation of computers?   answer.  third generation   7. Restarting an already on computer is called?   answer.  warm booting   8. The computer language used in the Internet is?   answer.  Java   9. What is CRAY?   answer.  super computer   10. What is the short form of continuous power supply in computer?   answer.  You .  P .  s .   11. What are file extensions used for?   answer.  To identify the file type   12. How many 'function-keys' are there in the key board?   answer.  12   13. How many types of computers are there?   answer.  two types   14. Microprocessor is which generation computer?   answer.  IV   15. The code consisting of lines of different length and width read from the computer is called?   answer.  bar code   16. The common name of modulator-de-modulator is?   answer.  modem   17. Is Excel Workbook Collection?   answer.  of worksheet   18. Oracle is?   answer.  database software   19. Pascal is?   answer.  a computer language   20. The point at which data enters or exits the computer?   answer.  terminal   21. What types of storage devices are used in cell phones?   answer.  flash   22. Soft copy is an output, so what is hard copy?   answer.  printed output   23. E.D.P.  What is?   answer.  electronic data processing   24. The words which the programming language has set aside for its own use?   answer.  reserved words   25. A group of interrelated records is called?   answer.  database   26. What is the process of dividing a disk into tracks and sectors?   answer.  formatting   27. The world's first computer network is considered to be?   answer.  ARPANET   28. What resides in the motherboard that connects the CPU to other parts on the motherboard?   answer.  system bus   29. The operating system called Unix is ​​specially used for?   answer.  in web servers   30. The extension of Excel spreadsheet is   answer.  .xls   31. RAM is volatile memory because   answer.  It requires continuous power supply to retain data.   32. What are the two parts of an e-mail address?   answer.  Username and domain name   33. Which printer prints one letter in one stroke?   answer.  stopper matrix printer   34. If your computer keeps rebooting itself then chances are that?   answer.  it has viruses   35. What is the name of that network topology?  in which each possible node has bidirectional links?   answer.  mesh   36. First language developed to program   answer.  fortron   37. What is the default file extension of word document?   answer.  DOC   38. The first computer virus to appear in India is?   answer.  c-brain   39. The circuit board which contains CPU and other chips is called?   answer.  Motherboard   40. Junk e-mail is called?   answer.  Spam   41. The word CAD is related to what in computer?   answer.  by design   42. A.L.U.  What is the full name of?   answer.  Arithmetic Logic Unit   43. What is Google?   answer.  search engine   44. The language which a computer understands without a translation program is called?   answer.  machine language   45. Point and draw device is called?   answer.  to mouse   46. ​​Linux is an example?   answer.  of open source software   47. Trackball is an example of   answer.  pointing device   48. Thin plate or board having electronic components is called   answer.  Circuit board   49. Which printer prints letters by stroke?   answer.  stopper matrix printer   50. Which software controls the computer hardware?   answer.  system    ️50 Most Important Computer Questions ️    1. Which software is used to work in the computer?     answer.  app     2. First language developed to program     answer.  fortron     3. C, BASIC, COBOL and JAVA are examples of which language is called?     answer.  high level     4. In which field is the computer language FORTRAN useful?     answer.  Science     5. DVD example?     answer.  Optical Disk     6. Teleprocessing and timesharing were used in which generation of computers?     answer.  third generation     7. Restarting an already on computer is called?     answer.  warm booting     8. The computer language used in the Internet is?     answer.  Java     9. What is CRAY?     answer.  super computer     10. What is the short form of continuous power supply in computer?     answer.  You .  P .  s .     11. What are file extensions used for?     answer.  To identify the file type     12. How many 'function-keys' are there in the key board?     answer.  12     13. How many types of computers are there?     answer.  two types     14. Microprocessor is which generation computer?     answer.  IV     15. The code consisting of lines of different length and width read from the computer is called?     answer.  bar code     16. The common name of modulator-de-modulator is?     answer.  modem     17. Is Excel Workbook Collection?     answer.  of worksheet     18. Oracle is?     answer.  database software     19. Pascal is?     answer.  a computer language     20. The point at which data enters or exits the computer?     answer.  terminal     21. What types of storage devices are used in cell phones?     answer.  flash     22. Soft copy is an output, so what is hard copy?     answer.  printed output     23. E.D.P.  What is?     answer.  electronic data processing     24. The words which the programming language has set aside for its own use?     answer.  reserved words     25. A group of interrelated records is called?     answer.  database     26. What is the process of dividing a disk into tracks and sectors?     answer.  formatting     27. The world's first computer network is considered to be?     answer.  ARPANET     28. What resides in the motherboard that connects the CPU to other parts on the motherboard?     answer.  system bus     29. The operating system called Unix is ​​specially used for?     answer.  in web servers     30. The extension of Excel spreadsheet is     answer.  .xls     31. RAM is volatile memory because     answer.  It requires continuous power supply to retain data.     32. What are the two parts of an e-mail address?     answer.  Username and domain name     33. Which printer prints one letter in one stroke?     answer.  stopper matrix printer     34. If your computer keeps rebooting itself then chances are that?     answer.  it has viruses     35. What is the name of that network topology?  in which each possible node has bidirectional links?     answer.  mesh     36. First language developed to program     answer.  fortron     37. What is the default file extension of word document?     answer.  DOC     38. The first computer virus to appear in India is?     answer.  c-brain     39. The circuit board which contains CPU and other chips is called?     answer.  Motherboard     40. Junk e-mail is called?     answer.  Spam     41. The word CAD is related to what in computer?     answer.  by design     42. A.L.U.  What is the full name of?     answer.  Arithmetic Logic Unit     43. What is Google?     answer.  search engine     44. The language which a computer understands without a translation program is called?     answer.  machine language     45. Point and draw device is called?     answer.  to mouse     46. ​​Linux is an example?     answer.  of open source software     47. Trackball is an example of     answer.  pointing device     48. Thin plate or board having electronic components is called     answer.  Circuit board     49. Which printer prints letters by stroke?     answer.  stopper matrix printer     50. Which software controls the computer hardware?     answer.  system

 20. The point at which data enters or exits the computer?

 answer.  terminal

 21. What types of storage devices are used in cell phones?

 answer.  flash

 22. Soft copy is an output, so what is hard copy?

 answer.  printed output

 23. E.D.P.  What is?

 answer.  electronic data processing

 24. The words which the programming language has set aside for its own use?

 answer.  reserved words

 25. A group of interrelated records is called?

 answer.  database

 26. What is the process of dividing a disk into tracks and sectors?

 answer.  formatting

 27. The world's first computer network is considered to be?

 answer.  ARPANET

 28. What resides in the motherboard that connects the CPU to other parts on the motherboard?

 answer.  system bus

 29. The operating system called Unix is ​​specially used for?

 answer.  in web servers

 30. The extension of Excel spreadsheet is

 answer.  .xls

 31. RAM is volatile memory because

 answer.  It requires continuous power supply to retain data.

 32. What are the two parts of an e-mail address?

 answer.  Username and domain name

 33. Which printer prints one letter in one stroke?

 answer.  stopper matrix printer

 34. If your computer keeps rebooting itself then chances are that?

 answer.  it has viruses

 35. What is the name of that network topology?  in which each possible node has bidirectional links?

 answer.  mesh

 36. First language developed to program

 answer.  fortron

 37. What is the default file extension of word document?

 answer.  DOC

 38. The first computer virus to appear in India is?

 answer.  c-brain

 39. The circuit board which contains CPU and other chips is called?

 answer.  Motherboard

 40. Junk e-mail is called?

 answer.  Spam

 41. The word CAD is related to what in computer?

 answer.  by design

 42. A.L.U.  What is the full name of?

 answer.  Arithmetic Logic Unit

 43. What is Google?

 answer.  search engine

 44. The language which a computer understands without a translation program is called?

 answer.  machine language

 45. Point and draw device is called?

 answer.  to mouse

 46. ​​Linux is an example?

 answer.  of open source software

 47. Trackball is an example of

 answer.  pointing device

 48. Thin plate or board having electronic components is called

 answer.  Circuit board

 49. Which printer prints letters by stroke?

 answer.  stopper matrix printer

 50. Which software controls the computer hardware?

 answer.  system

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