‘गरीबी हटाओ’ का नारा सर्वप्रथम किस पंचवर्षीय योजना में दिया गया--In which five year plan was the slogan 'Garibi Hatao' first given?

 ☑️  अर्थव्यवस्था सामान्य ज्ञान #EconomyCapsule 9

प्रश्नोत्तरी सभी प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं के लिए ✓

◾️  प्रथम पंचवर्षीय योजना किस मॉडल पर आधारित थी

Ans. डोमर संवद्धि मॉडल

◾️  प्रथम पंचवर्षीय योजना की समयावधि क्या थी

Ans. 1951-56

◾️  द्वितीय पंचवर्षीय योजना का काल क्या था

Ans. 1956-61

◾️  द्वितीय पंचवर्षीय योजना किस मॉडल पर आधारित थीं

Ans. पी. सी. महालनोबिस मॉडल

◾️  द्वितीय पंचवर्षीय योजना में कौन-कौन से इस्पात संयंत्रों की स्थापना हुई

Ans. राउरकेला (ओड़िशा), भिलाई (छत्तीसगढ़) व दुर्गापुर (प. बंगाल)

◾️  इंटीग्रल कोच फैक्टरी तथा चितरंजन लोकोमोटिव्स की स्थापना किस योजना के दौरान हुई

Ans. द्वितीय पंचवर्षीय योजना

◾️  तीसरी पंचवर्षीय योजना कब से कब तक रही

Ans. 1961-66

◾️  तीसरी पंचवर्षीय योजना प्रमुख उद्देश्य क्या था

Ans. अर्थव्यवस्था को स्वावलंबी एवं स्व स्फूर्त बनाना

◾️  किस पंचवर्षीय योजना की विफलता के कारण तीन वर्ष तक योजनावकाश रहा

Ans. तीसरी पंचवर्षीय योजना

◾️  वार्षिक योजनाएं किन वर्षों में लागू की गईं

Ans. 1966-69

◾️  किस पंचवर्षीय योजना के दौरान कृषि क्षेत्र में हरित क्रांति का आरंभ हुआ

Ans. किसी भी योजना के दौरान नही

◾️  कृषि क्षेत्र में हरित क्रांति का आरंभ कब हुआ

Ans. 1966-67 (योजनावकाश के दौरान)

◾️  चौथी पंचवर्षीय योजना की अवधि क्या रही

Ans. 1969-74

◾️  चौथी पंचवर्षीययोजना किस मॉडल पर आधारित थी

Ans. ओपन कनसिसटेंसी मॉडल

◾️  ओपन कनसिसटेंसी मॉडल किसने तैयार किया था

Ans. अशोक रुद्र तथा एलन एस. मात्रे

◾️  चौथी पंचवर्षीय योजना का मूल उद्देश्य क्या था

Ans. स्थिरता के साथ आर्थिक विकास और आत्मनिर्भरता की प्राप्ति

◾️  14 बैंकों का राष्ट्रीयकरण, एमआरटीपी अधिनियम तथा बफर स्टॉक की धारणा किस योजना के दौरान लागू हुई

Ans. चौथी

◾️  14 बैंकों को राष्ट्रीयकरण किस वर्ष किया गया

Ans. 1969

◾️  ‘गरीबी हटाओ’ का नारा सर्वप्रथम किस पंचवर्षीय योजना में दिया गया

Ans. पाँचवीं

◾️  पाँचवीं पंचवर्षीय योजना की अवधि क्या थी

Ans. 1974-79

️ Economy General Knowledge #EconomyCapsule 9  Quiz for all competitive exams   On which model was the first five year plan based?   Ans.  Domar Augmentation Model  What was the time period of the first five year plan   Ans.  1951-56  What was the period of second five year plan   Ans.  1956-61  On which model was the second five year plan based?   Ans.  PC Mahalanobis Model  Which steel plants were established in the second five year plan?   Ans.  Rourkela (Odisha), Bhilai (Chhattisgarh) and Durgapur (West Bengal)  ️ During which plan the Integral Coach Factory and Chittaranjan Locomotives were established   Ans.  second five year plan  ️ How long was the third five year plan   Ans.  1961-66  What was the main objective of the third five year plan   Ans.  To make the economy self-supporting and self-sustaining  ️ Due to the failure of which five year plan, there was a plan holiday for three years   Ans.  third five year plan  ️ In which years the annual plans were implemented   Ans.  1966-69  ️ During which five year plan the Green Revolution started in the agriculture sector?   Ans.  not during any plan  When did the Green Revolution start in the agriculture sector?   Ans.  1966-67 (During the Plan Vacation)  What was the duration of the fourth five year plan   Ans.  1969-74  On which model was the Fourth Five Year Plan based?   Ans.  Open Consistency Model  ️ Who designed the Open Consistency Model?   Ans.  Ashok Rudra and Allan S.  quantity  What was the basic objective of the Fourth Five Year Plan?   Ans.  Economic growth with stability and attainment of self-reliance  ️ Nationalization of 14 banks, MRTP Act and the concept of buffer stock came into force during which plan   Ans.  fourth  ️ In which year 14 banks were nationalized   Ans.  1969  In which five year plan was the slogan 'Garibi Hatao' first given?   Ans.  fifth  What was the duration of the fifth five year plan   Ans.  1974-79

️ Economy General Knowledge #EconomyCapsule 9

 Quiz for all competitive exams

 On which model was the first five year plan based?

 Ans.  Domar Augmentation Model

 What was the time period of the first five year plan

 Ans.  1951-56

 What was the period of second five year plan

 Ans.  1956-61

 On which model was the second five year plan based?

 Ans.  PC Mahalanobis Model

 Which steel plants were established in the second five year plan?

 Ans.  Rourkela (Odisha), Bhilai (Chhattisgarh) and Durgapur (West Bengal)

 ️ During which plan the Integral Coach Factory and Chittaranjan Locomotives were established

 Ans.  second five year plan

 ️ How long was the third five year plan

 Ans.  1961-66

 What was the main objective of the third five year plan

 Ans.  To make the economy self-supporting and self-sustaining

 ️ Due to the failure of which five year plan, there was a plan holiday for three years

 Ans.  third five year plan

 ️ In which years the annual plans were implemented

 Ans.  1966-69

 ️ During which five year plan the Green Revolution started in the agriculture sector?

 Ans.  not during any plan

 When did the Green Revolution start in the agriculture sector?

 Ans.  1966-67 (During the Plan Vacation)

 What was the duration of the fourth five year plan

 Ans.  1969-74

 On which model was the Fourth Five Year Plan based?

 Ans.  Open Consistency Model

 ️ Who designed the Open Consistency Model?

 Ans.  Ashok Rudra and Allan S.  quantity

 What was the basic objective of the Fourth Five Year Plan?

 Ans.  Economic growth with stability and attainment of self-reliance

 ️ Nationalization of 14 banks, MRTP Act and the concept of buffer stock came into force during which plan

 Ans.  fourth

 ️ In which year 14 banks were nationalized

 Ans.  1969

 In which five year plan was the slogan 'Garibi Hatao' first given?

 Ans.  fifth

 What was the duration of the fifth five year plan

 Ans.  1974-79

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