भारत की जनगणना---- सर्वाधिक साक्षरता दर वाला जिला--District with highest literacy rate

 भारत की जनगणना पर आधारित वन लाइनर 


➽न्यूनतम जनसंख्या वाला जिला - दिवांग घाटी (अरुणाचल प्रदेश)

➽अधिक जिलो वाला राज्य -उत्तरप्रदेश

➽भारत की साक्षरता दर - 74.0%

➽पुरुष साक्षरता दर - 82.14%

➽महिला साक्षरता दर - 65.46%

➽सर्वाधिक साक्षरता दर वाले राज्य - केरल (93.9%), मिजोरम (91.6%)

➽सर्वाधिक पुरष साक्षरता दर वाले राज्य - केरल (96.0 %), मिजोरम (93.7 %)

➽सर्वाधिक महिला साक्षरता दर वाले राज्य - केरल (92.0 %), मिजोरम (89.4 %)

➽न्यूनतम साक्षरता दर वाले राज्य - बिहार(63.8%), अरुणाचल प्रदेश (67%),राजस्थान ( 67.1%)

➽न्यूनतम पुरुष साक्षरता दर वाले राज्य - बिहार (73.4%), अरुणाचल प्रदेश (73.7%), आंध्रप्रदेश (75.6%)

➽न्यूनतम महिला साक्षरता दर वाले राज्य - राजस्थान - (52.7%), बिहार (53.3%),झारखंड (56.2%)

➽सर्वाधिक साक्षरता दर वाला जिला - सरचिप (मिजोरम)

➽न्यूनतम साक्षरता दर वाला जिला - अलीराजपुर (म.प्र.)

➽भारत की जनसंख्या घनत्व - 382व्यक्ति वर्ग किमी

➽सर्वाधिक घनत्व वाले राज्य - बिहार(1106 वर्ग किमी), प. बंगाल (1028 वर्ग किमी)

➽न्यूनतम घनत्व वाले राज्य - अरुणाचल प्रदेश - 17व्यक्ति वर्ग किमी

➽सर्वाधिक घनत्व वाला जिला - उत्तर पूर्व दिल्ली

➽न्यूनतम घनत्व वाला जिला - दिवांग घाटी (अरुणाचल प्रदेश)

➽भारत में लिंगानुपात - 943 महिला /1000 पुरुष

➽शिशु लिंगानुपात - 919

➽सर्वाधिक लिंगानुपात वाले राज्य - केरल - 1084, तमिलनाडु - 996, आन्ध्र प्रदेश -993

➽न्यूनतम लिंगानुपात वाला राज्य - हरियाणा (879)

➽सर्वाधिक लिंगानुपात वाला जिला - माहे (पुदुचेरी) 1176

➽न्यूनतम लिंगानुपात वाला जिला - दमन (533)

➽सर्वाधिक लिंगानुपात वाला केंद्रशासित प्रदेश - पुदुचेरी

➽सर्वाधिक जनसँख्या वाला केंद्रशासित प्रदेश - दिल्ली

➽न्यूनतम जनसँख्या वाला केंद्रशासित प्रदेश - लक्षद्वीप

➽सर्वाधिक जनसँख्या घनत्त्व वाला केंद्रशासित प्रदेश - दिल्ली

➽न्यूनतम जनसंख्या घनत्त्व वाला केंद्रशासित प्रदेश- अण्डमान - 46 वर्ग किमी

➽सर्वाधिक साक्षरता वाला केंद शासित प्रदेश - लक्षद्वीप

➽न्यूनतम साक्षरता वाला केंद शासित प्रदेश- दादर एवं नागर हवेली ।

One liner based on Census of India  ?   District with minimum population - Diwang Valley (Arunachal Pradesh)  State with more districts - Uttar Pradesh  Literacy rate of India - 74.0%  Male Literacy Rate - 82.14%  Female Literacy Rate - 65.46%  States with highest literacy rate - Kerala (93.9%), Mizoram (91.6%)  States with highest male literacy rate - Kerala (96.0%), Mizoram (93.7%)  States with highest female literacy rate - Kerala (92.0%), Mizoram (89.4%)  States with lowest literacy rate – Bihar (63.8%), Arunachal Pradesh (67%), Rajasthan (67.1%)  States with lowest male literacy rate - Bihar (73.4%), Arunachal Pradesh (73.7%), Andhra Pradesh (75.6%)  States with lowest female literacy rate - Rajasthan - (52.7%), Bihar (53.3%), Jharkhand (56.2%)  District with highest literacy rate - Sarchip (Mizoram)  District with minimum literacy rate - Alirajpur (M.P.)  Population Density of India - 382 persons  States with highest density - Bihar (1106 sq. km), p.  Bengal (1028 sq km)  State with minimum density - Arunachal Pradesh - 17 persons sq. km  Highest density district - North East Delhi  Minimum Density District – Diwang Valley (Arunachal Pradesh)  Sex Ratio in India - 943 Female / 1000 Male  Child Sex Ratio - 919  States with highest sex ratio - Kerala - 1084, Tamil Nadu - 996, Andhra Pradesh -993  The state with the lowest sex ratio - Haryana (879)  Highest sex ratio district - Mahe (Puducherry) 1176  District with lowest sex ratio - Daman (533)  Union Territory with Highest Sex Ratio - Puducherry  Union Territory with the highest population - Delhi  Union Territory with minimum population - Lakshadweep  Union Territory with highest population density - Delhi  Union Territory with Minimum Population Density - Andaman - 46  Highest literate union territory - Lakshadweep  Union Territory with minimum literacy – Dadra and Nagar Haveli.

One liner based on Census of India


 District with minimum population - Diwang Valley (Arunachal Pradesh)

 State with more districts - Uttar Pradesh

 Literacy rate of India - 74.0%

 Male Literacy Rate - 82.14%

 Female Literacy Rate - 65.46%

 States with highest literacy rate - Kerala (93.9%), Mizoram (91.6%)

 States with highest male literacy rate - Kerala (96.0%), Mizoram (93.7%)

 States with highest female literacy rate - Kerala (92.0%), Mizoram (89.4%)

 States with lowest literacy rate – Bihar (63.8%), Arunachal Pradesh (67%), Rajasthan (67.1%)

 States with lowest male literacy rate - Bihar (73.4%), Arunachal Pradesh (73.7%), Andhra Pradesh (75.6%)

 States with lowest female literacy rate - Rajasthan - (52.7%), Bihar (53.3%), Jharkhand (56.2%)

 District with highest literacy rate - Sarchip (Mizoram)

 District with minimum literacy rate - Alirajpur (M.P.)

 Population Density of India - 382 persons

 States with highest density - Bihar (1106 sq. km), p.  Bengal (1028 sq km)

 State with minimum density - Arunachal Pradesh - 17 persons sq. km

 Highest density district - North East Delhi

 Minimum Density District – Diwang Valley (Arunachal Pradesh)

 Sex Ratio in India - 943 Female / 1000 Male

 Child Sex Ratio - 919

 States with highest sex ratio - Kerala - 1084, Tamil Nadu - 996, Andhra Pradesh -993

 The state with the lowest sex ratio - Haryana (879)

 Highest sex ratio district - Mahe (Puducherry) 1176

 District with lowest sex ratio - Daman (533)

 Union Territory with Highest Sex Ratio - Puducherry

 Union Territory with the highest population - Delhi

 Union Territory with minimum population - Lakshadweep

 Union Territory with highest population density - Delhi

 Union Territory with Minimum Population Density - Andaman - 46

 Highest literate union territory - Lakshadweep

 Union Territory with minimum literacy – Dadra and Nagar Haveli.

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