Computer : General Knowledge- 🖥 कप्यूटर : सामान्य ज्ञान 🖥

 🖥 कप्यूटर : सामान्य ज्ञान 🖥

🔷 कम्प्यूटर एक इलेक्ट्रानिक मशीन है । इसका हिंदी नाम संगणक है ।

🔷आधुनिक कम्प्यूटर का पिता चार्ल्स बैवेज को कहते हैं ।

🔷कलक्यूलेटर का आविष्कार पास्कल ने किया था ।

🔷भारत मे निर्मित पहला कम्प्यूटर सिद्धार्थ था ।

🔷सबसे बडा कम्प्यूटर नेटवर्क इंटरनेट है ।

🔷भारत का प्रथम कम्प्यूटर बैंगलूर के प्रधान डाक घर मे लगाया गया ।

🔷इटरनेट का प्रथम प्रयोग अमेरिका के रक्षा अनुसंधान मे हुआ ।

🔷कम्प्यूटर मे प्रयुक्त होने वाला IC चिप्स सिलिकान का बना होता है ।

🔷भारत का सिलिकान वैली बैंगलोर को कहते हैं ।

कम्प्यूटर का मस्तिष्क सी.पी.यू. को कहते हैं ।

🔷कम्प्यूटर अपने परिणाम को भविष्य हेतु मैमोरी मे सुरक्षित रखता है ।

🔷IC का पूर्ण रूप इंटरग्रेटेड सर्किट होता है ।

🔷IBM का पूर्ण रूप इंटरनेशनल बिजनेस मशीन है ।

🔷WWW का पूर्ण रूप वर्ल्ड वाईड वेव है ।

🔷LAN का पूर्ण रूप लोकल एरिया नेटवर्क है ।

🔷WAN का पूर्ण रूप वाइड एरिया नेटवर्क है ।

🔷RAM का पूर्ण रूप रैंडम एक्सिस मेमोरी है ।

🔷ROM का पूर्ण रूप रिड ओनली मेमोरी है ।

🔷CD का पूर्ण रूप काम्पैक्ट डिस्क होता है ।

🔷VDU का पूर्ण रूप विजुअल डिस्प्ले यूनिट है ।

🔷HTML का पूर्ण रूप हायपर टेक्ट मार्कप लांग्वेज है ।

🔷HTTP का पूर्ण रूप हायपर टेक्ट ट्रांसफर प्रोटोकाल है ।

🔷ALU का पूर्ण रूप अर्थमेटिक लाजिकल यूनिट है ।

🔷CPU का पूर्ण रूप सेंट्रल प्रोसेसिंग यूनिट है ।

🔷CU का पूर्ण रूप कंट्रोल यूनिट होता है ।

🔷COBOL का पूर्ण रूप कामन बिजनेस ओरिएंटेड लांग्वेज है ।

🔷DOS का पूर्ण रूप डिस्क आपरेटिंग सिस्टम है ।

🔷E MAIL का पूर्ण रूप इलेक्ट्रानिक मेल होता है ।

🔷FAX का पूर्ण रूप फार अवे झेरोक्स होता है ।

🔷कम्प्यूटर को बंद करने की प्रक्रिया को शट डाउन तथा चालू करने की प्रक्रिया को बुट अप कहते है ।

🔷मॉनिटर का अन्य नाम VDU है ।

🔷सटैंडर्ड की बोर्ड मे 101 बटन तथा 12 फंक्शन कीज होती हैं ।

🔷चम्बकीय डिस्क पर आयरन आक्साइड की परत होती है ।

🔷बाइनरी नम्बर प्रणाली मे 0 तथा 1 का प्रयोग होता है ।

🔷फलापी डिस्क की साइज 3.25” तथा 5.25” होती है ।

🔷कम्प्यूटर नेटवर्क से सम्पर्क जोडने की प्रक्रिया को ‘लाग इन’ तथा सम्पर्क तोडने को ‘लाग आउट’ कहते हैं ।

🔷आपरेटिंग सिस्टम मे RAM का प्रयोग किया जाता है ।

🔷कम्प्यूटर मे प्रोग्राम की सूची को मेंयू कहते हैं ।

🔷मोडेम टेलीफोन लाइन पर काम करता है ।

🔷कम्प्यूटर के डम्प होने का कारण वाइरस होता है ।

🔷कम्प्यूटर वाइरस एक डिस्ट्रकटिव प्रोग्राम होता है ।

🔷कम्प्यूटर का भौतिक बनावट हार्डवेयर कहलाता है ।

🔷हार्ड डिस्क की गति RPM. मे मापी जाती है ।

🔺 8 बिट = 1 बाइट

🔺 1024 बाइट = 1 किलो बाइट

🔺 1024 किलो बाइट = 1 MB

🔺 1024 MB = 1 GB

🔷 IBM (इंटर नेशनल बिजनेस मशीन) एक कम्प्यूटर कम्पनी है ।

🔷कम्प्यूटर का मुख्य पृष्ट डेस्क टाप कहलाता है ।

🔷कम्प्यूटर के क्षेत्र मे महान क्रांति 1960 ई. मे आयी ।

🔷DOS और WINDOWS एक प्रकार के आपरेटिंग सिस्टम हैं ।

🔷माउस,की बोर्ड, जायस्टिक, स्कैनर, तथा लाइट पेन इनपुट डिवाइस के उदाहरण हैं ।

🔷परिंटर, स्पीकर, तथा मानिटर आउटपुट डिवाइस हैं ।

🔷इटरनेट पर भेजा जाने वाला संदेश ई मेल कहलाता है ।

🔷उच्चस्तरीय भाषा से मशीनी भाषा मे रूपांतरण सोर्स प्रोग्राम द्वारा होता है ।

🔷अग्रेजी के समान उच्चस्तरीय भाषा कोबोल है ।

🔷परोग्राम हेतु विकसित प्रथम भाषा फोरट्रान है ।

🔷उच्चस्तरीय भाषा का अनुवाद निम्न स्तरीय भाषा मे कम्पाइलर करता है ।

🔷उच्चस्तरीय भाषा का विकास IBM ने किया ।

🔷फोरट्रान,कोबोल, बेसिक, अल्गोल, पास्कल आदि उच्चस्तरीय भाषाएं हैं ।

🔷मदर बोर्ड एक सर्किट बोर्ड है, इसमे सी.पी.यू. जोडे जाते हैं ।

🔷हार्ड डिस्क मे कम्प्यूटर प्रोग्रामों को स्टोर किया जाता है ।

🔷कम्प्यूटर तीन प्रकार के होते हैं- डिजिटल, एनालाँग, एवं हाइब्रिड

🔷असेम्बलर ,असेम्बली भाषा को यंत्र भाषा मे बदलता है

Computer : General Knowledge Computer is an electronic machine. Its Hindi name is Computer.    The father of the modern computer is called Charles Bawej.    The calculator was invented by Pascal.    Siddhartha was the first computer manufactured in India.    The largest computer network is the Internet.    India's first computer was installed in Bangalore's Head Post Office.    The first use of the Internet was in America's defense research.    The IC chips used in the computer are made of silicon.    Bangalore is called the Silicon Valley of India.    computer brain cpu is called to.    The computer saves its result in the memory for future use.    The full form of IC is Integrated Circuit.    The full form of IBM is International Business Machine.    The full form of WWW is World Wide Wave.    The full form of LAN is Local Area Network.    The full form of WAN is Wide Area Network.    The full form of RAM is Random Axis Memory.    The full form of ROM is Read Only Memory.    The full form of CD is Compact Disc.    The full form of VDU is Visual Display Unit.    The full form of HTML is Hypertext Markup Language.    The full form of HTTP is Hypertext Transfer Protocol.    The full form of ALU is Arithmetic Logical Unit.    The full form of CPU is Central Processing Unit.    The full form of CU is Control Unit.    The full form of COBOL is Common Business Oriented Language.    The full form of DOS is Disk Operating System.    The full form of E MAIL is ELECTRONIC MAIL.    The full form of FAX is Far Away Xerox.    The process of shutting down the computer is called shutdown and the process of starting it up is called boot up.    The other name of the monitor is VDU.    The standard keyboard has 101 buttons and 12 function keys.    There is a layer of iron oxide on the magnetic disk.    0 and 1 are used in the binary number system.    The size of a floppy disc is 3.25" and 5.25".    The process of connecting to a computer network is called 'log in' and breaking the connection is called 'log out'.    RAM is used in the operating system.    The list of programs in the computer is called menu.    Modem works on telephone line.    The reason for the dumping of the computer is the virus.    A computer virus is a destructive program.    The physical structure of the computer is called hardware.    Hard Disk Speed ​​RPM. is measured in    8 bit = 1 byte  1024 Byte = 1 Kilo Byte  1024 kilobytes = 1 MB  1024 MB = 1 GB    IBM (International Business Machines) is a computer company.    The main page of the computer is called the desk top.    The great revolution in the field of computer came in 1960 AD.    DOS and WINDOWS are one type of operating system.    Examples of input devices are mouse, keyboard, joystick, scanner, and light pen.    Printer, speaker, and monitor are output devices.    The message sent over the Internet is called E-mail.    The conversion from high level language to machine language is done by the source program.    Cobol is a high level language similar to English.    The first language developed for the program is Fortran.    Compiler translates high level language into low level language.    The high level language was developed by IBM.    There are high level languages ​​like FORTRAN, COBOL, BASIC, Algol, Pascal etc.    Mother board is a circuit board, it has CPU. are added.    Computer programs are stored in the hard disk.    There are three types of computers - digital, analog, and hybrid.    Assembler converts assembly language into machine language

Computer : General Knowledge

Computer is an electronic machine. Its Hindi name is Computer.

The father of the modern computer is called Charles Bawej.

The calculator was invented by Pascal.

Siddhartha was the first computer manufactured in India.

The largest computer network is the Internet.

India's first computer was installed in Bangalore's Head Post Office.

The first use of the Internet was in America's defense research.

The IC chips used in the computer are made of silicon.

Bangalore is called the Silicon Valley of India.

computer brain cpu is called to.

The computer saves its result in the memory for future use.

The full form of IC is Integrated Circuit.

The full form of IBM is International Business Machine.

The full form of WWW is World Wide Wave.

The full form of LAN is Local Area Network.

The full form of WAN is Wide Area Network.

The full form of RAM is Random Axis Memory.

The full form of ROM is Read Only Memory.

The full form of CD is Compact Disc.

The full form of VDU is Visual Display Unit.

The full form of HTML is Hypertext Markup Language.

The full form of HTTP is Hypertext Transfer Protocol.

The full form of ALU is Arithmetic Logical Unit.

The full form of CPU is Central Processing Unit.

The full form of CU is Control Unit.

The full form of COBOL is Common Business Oriented Language.

The full form of DOS is Disk Operating System.

The full form of E MAIL is ELECTRONIC MAIL.

The full form of FAX is Far Away Xerox.

The process of shutting down the computer is called shutdown and the process of starting it up is called boot up.

The other name of the monitor is VDU.

The standard keyboard has 101 buttons and 12 function keys.

There is a layer of iron oxide on the magnetic disk.

0 and 1 are used in the binary number system.

The size of a floppy disc is 3.25" and 5.25".

The process of connecting to a computer network is called 'log in' and breaking the connection is called 'log out'.

RAM is used in the operating system.

The list of programs in the computer is called menu.

Modem works on telephone line.

The reason for the dumping of the computer is the virus.

A computer virus is a destructive program.

The physical structure of the computer is called hardware.

Hard Disk Speed ​​RPM. is measured in

8 bit = 1 byte

1024 Byte = 1 Kilo Byte

1024 kilobytes = 1 MB

1024 MB = 1 GB

IBM (International Business Machines) is a computer company.

The main page of the computer is called the desk top.

The great revolution in the field of computer came in 1960 AD.

DOS and WINDOWS are one type of operating system

Examples of input devices are mouse, keyboard, joystick, scanner, and light pen

Printer, speaker, and monitor are output devices.

The message sent over the Internet is called E-mail.

The conversion from high level language to machine language is done by the source program.

Cobol is a high level language similar to English.

The first language developed for the program is Fortran.

Compiler translates high level language into low level language.

The high level language was developed by IBM.

There are high level languages ​​like FORTRAN, COBOL, BASIC, Algol, Pascal etc.

Mother board is a circuit board, it has CPU. are added.

Computer programs are stored in the hard disk.

There are three types of computers - digital, analog, and hybrid.

Assembler converts assembly language into machine language

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