कौन-सा मुगल राजा अनपढ़ था ?

 🔻 पॉवरफुल 20 सामान्य ज्ञान (GK) 2021 प्रश्नोत्तरी सभी प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं के लिए  ✅

प्रश्‍न 1. भारत में सबसे अधिक ठंड किस स्थान पर पड़ती है ?

उत्तर – लेह (लद्दाख)

प्रश्‍न 2. 1K और 2K का अर्थ क्या है ?

उत्तर – 1000 और 2000

प्रश्‍न 3. हिरोशिमा पर पहला परमाणु बम कब गिराया गया था ?

उत्तर – 6 अगस्त 1945

प्रश्‍न 4. समुद्री मार्ग से भारत पहुँचने वाला व्यक्ति कौन था ?

उत्तर – वास्कोडिगामा

प्रश्‍न 5. चीन की दीवार की लम्बाई कितनी है ?

उत्तर – 21,196 कि.मी.

प्रश्‍न 6. भारत का राष्‍ट्रपति अपना त्यागपत्र किसे दे सकता है ?

उत्तर – उपराष्ट्रपति को

प्रश्‍न 7. कौन-सा मुगल राजा अनपढ़ था ?

उत्तर – अकबर

प्रश्‍न 8. संसार का सबसे बड़ा टापू कौन-सा है ?

उत्तर – ग्रीनलैंड

प्रश्‍न 9. सर्वप्रथम कौन-सा प्राणी अन्तरिक्ष में भेजा गया था ?

उत्तर – कुत्ता

प्रश्‍न 10. किस वर्ष मानव ने पहली बार चन्द्रमा पर चरण रखे थे ?

उत्तर – सन् 1969

प्रश्‍न 11. मानव ने सर्वप्रथम किस धातु का प्रयोग किया ?

उत्तर – ताँबा

प्रश्‍न 12. कोयले का सर्वाधिक उत्पादन कहाँ होता है ?

उत्तर – झारखण्ड

प्रश्‍न 13. प्रथम राजीव गाँधी राष्ट्रीय सदभावना पुरस्कार किसे प्रदान किया गया था ?

उत्तर – मदर टेरेसा

प्रश्‍न 14. बृहस्पति के कितने प्राकृतिक उपग्रह है ?

उत्तर – 79 उपग्रह

प्रश्‍न 15. फ्रिज में कौन-सी गैस होती है ?

उत्तर – फ्रीऑन (क्लोरोफ्लोरो कार्बन - सीएफसी)

प्रश्‍न 16. सयुंक्त राज्य अमेरिका में कितने राज्य है ?

उत्तर – 50 राज्य

प्रश्‍न 17. चारों वेदो में सबसे प्राचीन वेद कौन-सा है ?

उत्तर – ऋग्वेद

प्रश्‍न 18. धन की देवी लक्ष्मी का वाहन क्या है ?

उत्तर – उल्लू

प्रश्‍न 19. मुस्लिमों का सबसे पवित्र धार्मिक स्थान कहाँ है ?

उत्तर – मक्का मदीना (सउदी अरब)

प्रश्‍न 20. महाभारत में भीष्म का बचपन का नाम क्या था ?

उत्तर – देवव्रत


20 Powerful General Knowledge (GK) 2021 Quiz For All Competitive Exams   Question 1. Where is the coldest place in India?  Answer – Leh (Ladakh)   Question 2. What is the meaning of 1K and 2K?  Answer – 1000 and 2000   Question 3. When was the first atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima?  Answer – 6 August 1945   Question 4. Who was the person who reached India by sea?  Answer – Vasco da Gama   Question 5. What is the length of the wall of China?  Answer – 21,196 km   Question 6. To whom can the President of India submit his resignation?  Answer – To the Vice President   Question 7. Which Mughal king was illiterate?  Answer – Akbar   Question 8. Which is the largest island in the world?  Answer – Greenland   Question 9. Which animal was first sent into space?  Answer – Dog   Question 10. In which year did humans first set foot on the moon?  Answer – 1969   Question 11. Which metal was first used by man?  Answer – Copper   Question 12. Where is the maximum production of coal?  Answer – Jharkhand   Question 13. Who was given the first Rajiv Gandhi National Goodwill Award?  Answer – Mother Teresa   Question 14. How many natural satellites does Jupiter have?  Answer – 79 satellites   Question 15. Which gas is in the refrigerator?  Answer – Freon (Chlorofluorocarbons – CFCs)   Question 16. How many states are there in the United States of America?  Answer – 50 states   Question 17.Which is the oldest Veda among the four Vedas?  Answer – Rigveda   Question 18. What is the vehicle of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth?  Answer – Owl   Question 19. Where is the holiest religious place of Muslims?  Answer – Mecca Medina (Saudi Arabia)   Question 20. What was the childhood name of Bhishma in Mahabharata?  Answer – Devvrat   ?

20 Powerful General Knowledge (GK) 2021 Quiz For All Competitive Exams

 Question 1. Where is the coldest place in India?

 Answer – Leh (Ladakh)

 Question 2. What is the meaning of 1K and 2K?

 Answer – 1000 and 2000

 Question 3. When was the first atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima?

 Answer – 6 August 1945

 Question 4. Who was the person who reached India by sea?

 Answer – Vasco da Gama

 Question 5. What is the length of the wall of China?

 Answer – 21,196 km

 Question 6. To whom can the President of India submit his resignation?

 Answer – To the Vice President

 Question 7. Which Mughal king was illiterate?

 Answer – Akbar

 Question 8. Which is the largest island in the world?

 Answer – Greenland

 Question 9. Which animal was first sent into space?

 Answer – Dog

 Question 10. In which year did humans first set foot on the moon?

 Answer – 1969

 Question 11. Which metal was first used by man?

 Answer – Copper

 Question 12. Where is the maximum production of coal?

 Answer – Jharkhand

 Question 13. Who was given the first Rajiv Gandhi National Goodwill Award?

 Answer – Mother Teresa

 Question 14. How many natural satellites does Jupiter have?

 Answer – 79 satellites

 Question 15. Which gas is in the refrigerator?

 Answer – Freon (Chlorofluorocarbons – CFCs)

 Question 16. How many states are there in the United States of America?

 Answer – 50 states

 Question 17.Which is the oldest Veda among the four Vedas?

 Answer – Rigveda

 Question 18. What is the vehicle of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth?

 Answer – Owl

 Question 19. Where is the holiest religious place of Muslims?

 Answer – Mecca Medina (Saudi Arabia)

 Question 20. What was the childhood name of Bhishma in Mahabharata?

 Answer – Devvrat

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