‘लेडी विथ द लैंप’ के नाम से कौन प्रसिद्ध है ?

सभी प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं के लिए  महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्नोत्तर 

प्रश्‍न 1. रेडियो तरंगें वायुमण्डल की किस सतह से परिवर्तित होती है ?

उत्तर – आयन मण्डल

प्रश्‍न 2. हवाई जहाज वायुमण्डल की किस परत में उड़ते है ?

उत्तर – समतापमंडल

प्रश्‍न 3. क्षोभमण्डल की धरातल से अधिकतम ऊँचाई कितनी होती है ?

उत्तर – 18 कि.मी.

प्रश्‍न 4. भारत में दक्षिण-पश्चिम मानसून किन महीनों में सक्रिय रहता है ?

उत्तर – जून से सितम्बर

प्रश्‍न 5. प्रार्थना समाज की स्थापना किसने की ?

उत्तर – आत्माराम पांडूरंग

प्रश्‍न 6. कोलकाता में ‘मिशनरी ऑफ़ चैरिटी’ संगठन की स्थापना किसने की थी ?

उत्तर – मदर टेरेसा

प्रश्‍न7. ‘लेडी विथ द लैंप’ के नाम से कौन प्रसिद्ध है ?

उत्तर – फ्लोरेंस नाइटिंगेल

प्रश्‍न 8. कौन-सी गैस जलने में सहायक है ?

उत्तर – ऑक्सीजन

प्रश्‍न 9. वायुमण्डल का कितना भाग 29 किलोमीटर ऊँचाई तक पाया जाता है ?

उत्तर – 97%

प्रश्‍न 10. 1857 की क्रांति का तात्कालिक कारण क्या था ?

उत्तर – चर्बीयुक्त कारतूस का सेना में प्रयोग

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Important questions and answers for all competitive exams    Question 1. From which surface of the atmosphere do radio waves converge?   Answer – Ionosphere    Question 2. In which layer of the atmosphere do airplanes fly?   Answer – Stratosphere    Question 3. What is the maximum height of the troposphere from the surface?   Answer – 18 kms    Question 4. In which months the southwest monsoon is active in India?   Answer – June to September    Question 5. Who founded the Prarthana Samaj?   Answer – Atmaram Pandurang    Question 6. Who founded the organization 'Missionaries of Charity' in Kolkata?   Answer – Mother Teresa    Question 7.  Who is popularly known as 'Lady with the Lamp'?   Answer – Florence Nightingale    Question 8. Which gas is helpful in burning?   Answer – Oxygen    Question 9. What part of the atmosphere is found up to a height of 29 km?   Answer – 97%    Question 10. What was the immediate cause of the revolt of 1857?   Answer – Use of greased cartridges in the army    Click Here

Important questions and answers for all competitive exams

 Question 1. From which surface of the atmosphere do radio waves converge?

 Answer – Ionosphere

 Question 2. In which layer of the atmosphere do airplanes fly?

 Answer – Stratosphere

 Question 3. What is the maximum height of the troposphere from the surface?

 Answer – 18 kms

 Question 4. In which months the southwest monsoon is active in India?

 Answer – June to September

 Question 5. Who founded the Prarthana Samaj?

 Answer – Atmaram Pandurang

 Question 6. Who founded the organization 'Missionaries of Charity' in Kolkata?

 Answer – Mother Teresa

 Question 7.  Who is popularly known as 'Lady with the Lamp'?

 Answer – Florence Nightingale

 Question 8. Which gas is helpful in burning?

 Answer – Oxygen

 Question 9. What part of the atmosphere is found up to a height of 29 km?

 Answer – 97%

 Question 10. What was the immediate cause of the revolt of 1857?

 Answer – Use of greased cartridges in the army

 Click Here

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